Genital Warts Signs and Symptoms – How Will You Know If You’re Infected?

December 21, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

What are dealing with here?

Genital Warts are simply small bumps that appear on your skin around the genital area when you get infected with the virus that causes them. They are usually painless but itchy, and may be small or big, one or in a cluster. They can begin so small it is not possible to see them with the naked eye but then can grow with time to have the shape of a cauliflower head. They come in different colors ranging from white, pink, yellow or light brown.

What are the causes?

The main causative factor is the human papilloma virus that almost always affects young adults of ages 17 to 33 because of their increased sexual activity. The other factors that greatly enhance the chances of getting the disease are smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, use of oral contraceptives, having many sexual partners and beginning sexual intercourse at an early age. They warts are passed on during skin to skin contact with an infected person most often during sex.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms for Genital Warts infection may vary but them main ones are the ones listed below:


There are many folks who will get the infection and will take many months if not years before they manifest the symptoms. The best way to get a diagnosis is to seek professional medical advice where the doctor will conduct tests to be sure whether or not you are infected. Women are advised to go for a Pap smear to check for the presence of the HPV virus.

Is there treatment?

We could say that treatment for Genital Warts is available although it is one difficult cause of treatment. The reason is that the warts are simply a symptom of an underlying problem of am infection with a virus. The cure for the virus is not known in the medical field. Treatment much of the time will deal with healing and sometimes the physical removal of the warts.


There are both medical and surgical procedures that can be used in each case according to the advise of your doctor; this depends on the severity if your condition. The physical warts can actually be removed, although there are possibilities of recurrence because the underlying virus is still in the body. For some people the virus stays for life so prevention is the best way to be safe.

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Genital Warts â?? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

December 21, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

Anal warts are uncommon skin infection also known as Condylomata acuminata. Warts are benign tumors of the epidermis.They are caused by virus known as human papilloma virus (HPV).

Anal Warts are tiny, pinhead sized blemishes around the anus for sometime now and thought they’d go away on their own. But that did not happen, in fact, these small bumps grew to become pea-sized. This relatively common and bothersome condition does not appear as anal wart alone; it may present itself as anal genital wart, common warts on hands and plantar warts on the feet too.


The virus responsible for Genital Warts is called human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus can cause warts on the penis, vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix, and around the anus.

HPV infection around the genitals is common, although most people have no symptoms. Even if you do NOT have symptoms, however, you must be treated to avoid complications and spreading the condition to others.

Although much remains to be learned about how the papilloma virus progresses, doctors have observed that the warm, moist environment in the genital area seems to favor wart growth. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during pregnancy and in patients with defective immune systems.


· Raised, flesh-colored lesions on the genitals, anus, or surrounding skin

· Cauliflower-like appearing growths around the anus or genitals

· Increased dampness or moisture in the area of the growths

Signs and Tests

A genital examination reveals flesh-colored to white, flat or raised, single or clustered lesions anywhere on the genitalia.

In women, a pelvic examination may reveal growths on the vaginal walls or the cervix. Magnification (colposcopy) may be used to see lesions invisible to the naked eye. The tissue of the vagina and cervix may be treated with acetic acid to make the warts visible. A pap smear may note changes associated with HPV.


Genital Warts must be treated by a doctor. DO NOT use over-the counter remedies meant for other kinds of warts. Your doctor may treat Genital Warts by applying a skin treatment in the office. Or, the doctor may prescribe a medication that you apply at home several times per week.

Treatment of genital warts can be painful, and warts return after treatment in between 20% and 50% of people. Warts that return after being treated usually are not treated again unless you want to be retreated.

Surgical treatments include cryosurgery, surgical therapy:


A health professional applies liquid nitrogen to and around the warts.

First, the tissue is frozen with liquid nitrogen. Then, the tissue is allowed to thaw. The tissue is frozen again, if needed. The time of application varies by the health professional who applies the liquid nitrogen and the size of the warts.

The size and thickness of the warts determine the number and length of freeze/thaw cycles. Up to three treatments may be needed.


Visible genital warts on the penis or vagina or around the anus are removed by excision, which means cutting the warts off with a surgical knife (scalpel). Warts on the cervix may be removed by laser or loop electrosurgical excision (LEEP).

Plantar Warts â?? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

Plantar warts are the warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Plantar warts are benign growths that occur on the sole, heel, or ball of the foot.Small lesions are typically “cauliflower-esque” in appearance. Though “plantar wart” refers specifically to HPV infection on the sole of the foot, infection by the virus is possible anywhere on the body and common especially on the palm of the hand.

Warts are small, benign (harmless) growths caused by a viral infection. They occur on the skin or the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane is tissue that lines the nose, throat, digestive tract, and other body openings. The viruses that cause warts are members of the human papilloma virus (HPV) family. Warts can be transmitted from one person to another and they can travel from one part of the body to another.

Causes of Plantar Warts

Find common causes and risk factors of Plantar Warts :

HPV can enter the skin through cuts or scratches on the plantar area of the foot.

Some people are more prone to warts than others.

Exposing your feet to unsanitary surfaces

Plantar warts are common. They may bleed if injured.

You are most likely to develop a wart where you have broken skin, such as a cut, hangnail, closely bitten nail, or scrape. Plantar warts are common to swimmers whose feet are not only moist and softened but are also scratched and broken by rough pool surfaces. Common warts are often seen among those who handle meat, chicken, and fish.

Plantar Warts Symptoms

Foot pain – Feels like a lump under the foot

Leg or back pain – Possibly causes poor posture

Firm, warty (rough, bumpy, and spongy, some appear thick and scaly) lesions with tiny pinpoint dark spots inside (not always apparent)

Diagnosis and Treatment

To diagnose a plantar wart, the foot and ankle surgeon will examine the patientâ??s foot and look for signs and symptoms of a wart.

Although plantar warts may eventually clear up on their own, most patients desire faster relief. The goal of treatment is to completely remove the wart.

The foot and ankle surgeon may use topical or oral treatments, laser therapy, cryotherapy (freezing), or surgery to remove the wart.

The goal of wart treatment is to destroy or remove the wart without creating scar tissue, which can be more painful than the wart itself. How a wart is treated depends on the type of wart, its location, and its symptoms. Also important is your willingness to follow a weeks- or months-long course of treatment.

Although plantar warts may eventually disappear by themselves, you should seek treatment if they are painful. Your physician will carefully trim the wart and apply a chemically treated dressing. The physician will also give you instructions for self-care. Salicylic acid patches, applied on a daily basis, and good foot hygiene, including regular use of a pumice stone, are often all that is needed. However, it may take several weeks for the wart to disappear completely.

Expectations (prognosis)

Warts are generally harmless growths that often go away on their own within two years. They can be contagious, but transmission from person to person is uncommon. Warts may be unsightly or cause discomfort, especially on the feet.

Genital Hpv & Genital Warts â?? an Overview

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

To put it plainly and simply, genital HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. And although itâ??s not transmitted by the exchange of bodily fluids during sexual intercourse, it is transmitted through skin to skin contact. And when the warts are in or on your genital area, thereâ??s only a very few other ways that it can be transmitted. Hence the reason for it being classified as a sexually transmitted disease.

Thereâ??s also the little fact that the more contact you have with different sexual partners, the more likely it is that you will get genital HPV. In fact, studies conducted over the years have shown that approximately 18-20% of the population suffers from genital HPV and that number is growing yearly. Of this twenty percent of people though, only about 4% receive treatment.

This is because, that for the most part, people arenâ??t even aware that they have genital HPV since they might have no visible signs or symptoms of it. It could also be because some people might feel embarrassed to admit they have genital HPV and wonâ??t seek any medical attention. Then thereâ??s the case where people will treat themselves using natural home remedies and herbal cures.

If you have genital HPV and are looking to cure yourself, the one thing that I can tell you before you go any further is if youâ??re thinking about using any of the readily available over-the-counter treatments, then donâ??t. These are good for the other types of warts caused by the HPV infection, but for genital HPV itâ??s a strong and resolute no-no.

The skin around your genital area is very sensitive and these methods of curing genital HPV can be harsh. They can sting and burn, and they can irritate you unbearably. The one thing they wonâ??t do however is to cure and rid you of your warts. Other remedies, should also be used with care, and if in doubt as to whether it will be what you need you should consult with your physician beforehand.

All About Hpv and Gardasil — a College Girl’s Guide

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

The introduction of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, has been accompanied by healthy doses of both good and bad news. The good news is that the vaccine’s arrival has brought the virus into the spotlight by giving it the press it deserves. But the bad news is that myths and misconceptions about the virus and the vaccine abound, and these can and have caused considerable harm. For example, one prevalent myth is that promiscuity is the main reason why people get HPV infections. The fact is, it’s possible to get an HPV infection even from a monogamous relationship. Here are some more common questions about HPV, the vaccine, and how they can affect teens’ lives.The Facts of HPV:So what is HPV, really?HPV is the human papilloma virus. It is the most common sexually transmitted virus. It isn’t the same as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) or HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus), and it’s not a new virus — it’s just often overlooked in discussions of common sexually transmitted diseases. There are more than a 100 types of HPV that can cause a variety of diseases, but we’ll focus on its most significant manifestation — genital HPV. Sexual contact is the most common way to transmit genital HPV, including not only sexual intercourse, but also sexual contact without intercourse and oral sex. HPV is a silent infection, meaning that many people are unaware that they are infected and can transmit the virus to their sexual partners without even knowing.Who gets HPV?Anyone can get HPV infections. It is estimated that at least 50 percent of sexually active men and women will acquire a genital HPV infection at some point in their lives.  Most infections clear up on their own without any medical treatment in 12-24 months. People at the highest risk of getting HPV infections are those who engage in high-risk sexual behavior such as having multiple partners, having unprotected sex, and starting to have sex at an early age. Also, having a weak immune system due to poor nutrition, stress, and smoking can make existing HPV infections persist in the body for a longer period of time and cause HPV-related diseases.Many of my patients have asked me if two people in a monogamous relationship can get HPV. The short answer is, unfortunately, yes. Even if you are currently in a monogamous relationship, you or your partner could have acquired HPV from a previous sexual relationship; the disease can lie dormant in the body for many years and can become active at any time. The only way to prevent HPV is for both partners in a monogamous relationship to have never had prior sexual partners or to abstain from sexual contact altogether. What are the consequences of having HPV? There are three possible results of HPV infection. First, it is possible to become a carrier of HPV and never show symptoms for the rest of your life. Second, you could develop Genital Warts, which are irritating, visually unpleasant, embarrassing, and often require repeated treatments to get rid of them. Third, you could develop a HPV related cancer, the most serious of which is cervical cancer.  In addition, HPV can be a cause for tremendous emotional issues, such as feelings of guilt, blame and shame.Should you get the vaccine?There are now two vaccines available to prevent most HPV related diseases. Only one, Gardasil, is currently available in the United States. The vaccine is preventative in nature, meaning it can only prevent and not treat existing HPV infections. The vaccine protects against four different types of HPV, two of which cause 70% of cervical cancers, and the other two which cause most Genital Warts.The CDC recommends the vaccine for girls at ages 11-12 years for maximum benefit. However, if you didn’t receive the vaccine at this age, you can still get it up until the age of 26, even if you are sexually active. This is because even if you have already been exposed to some types of HPV, the vaccine will still prevent against any of the four types that you haven’t. It is important to note that the vaccine does not prevent against pregnancy or other sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. Therefore, it’s crucial to continue to be abstinent or practice safer sex even after receiving the vaccine.Should you get the Pap test?A Pap test (also called a Pap smear) detects abnormal cell changes in the cervix, some of which if not treated, can progress to cancer.  Therefore, once the abnormal changes are detected, they sometimes require close follow-ups and uncomfortable procedures. Pap tests, no doubt, have dramatically reduced the rates of cervical cancer in this country.  But the vaccine, on the other hand, prevents these abnormal changes from occurring in the first place. Obviously, prevention is preferable to detection and treatment. But as the vaccine only protects against 70 percent of cervical cancer, it’s important to keep getting Pap tests to detect the other 30 percent. Consult your health care provider to find out when you should start getting Pap tests.What are the ways to prevent and fight HPV infections?There are some basic tips to follow to keep healthy and avoid HPV infections.Follow the “ABCDE” rules of prevention:  Abstinence, Being monogamous, Consistent condom use, Delayed sexual activity and Education. Avoid drugs and excessive alcohol: These activities can lead to risky sexual behavior that make getting HPV more likely.Get vaccinated: Getting the Gardasil vaccine before you become sexually active can protect you from HPV strains that cause 90% of Genital Warts and 70% of cervical cancers. If you are already sexually active and haven’t been vaccinated, you should still consider getting vaccinated, as this can protect you from the vaccine strains that you may not have been exposed to.Boost your immune system: ·       Quit smoking:  Smoking weakens your immune system and makes HPV hang around longer in your body which can then cause disease.·       Reduce stress: Look into techniques such as exercise that help you relax and make you feel good about yourself.·       Eat healthy:  Add foods rich in Vitamins C and E such as fruits and vegetables that have cancer-fighting properties to your diet.  In addition, it’s a good idea to take a multivitamin daily.HPV can be a potentially serious and chronic disease that can have tremendous medical, psychological and sexual consequences. It can turn your life upside down overnight.  One chance encounter is all it takes to be potentially infected by the HPV virus. By seeking accurate information and taking productive steps, you can prevent the spread of HPV. Knowledge and education about HPV infections will help contain the spread of infection — ignorance will not.©2008 Shobha S. Krishnan, M.D.Author BioShobha S. Krishnan, M.D., is a board certified gynecologist and family practice physician at Barnard College, Columbia University. Her new book, “The HPV Vaccine Controversy: Sex, Cancer, God and Politics: A Guide to parents, women, men and teenagers” was published on August 30, 2008, by Greenwood Publications. The book presents the most up to date information about the vaccine without the influence of pharmaceutical companies or other interest groups.

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