Things you should know to protect from STD’s or Sexually transmitted diseases

May 5, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!
Most of the women die of poor reproductive health as a result of unwanted pregnancies or because of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted disease, as the term indicates is any sort of venereal disease caused due to sexual intercourse or other sexual intact. The microbes which cause STD’s are just opportunity bugs that don’t consider any gender or sex but only require a warm body. In women, STD’s often lead to infertility, miscarriage, infection among the newborn or premature birth of the child.
You should know the below mentioned facts to protect yourselves from sexually transmitted diseases.
1. STD easily spreads when there is any transfer of bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions or blood from any person to another.
2. If a person has any sort of sexually transmitted disease and some other person has sex with that infected person, he or she is the quickest victim of STD. This is the reason why one should avoid having multiple partners or any monogamous relationship where one person is carrying an infection from a prior sexual encounter.
3. Sexually transmitted diseases are very contagious so if a woman has sex with his partner who is already infected with gonorrhea (a kind of STD) then she holds a chance of 80 to 90 percent of getting the disease. In case her partner carries two diseases namely gonorrhea and Chlamydia, she could be infected with both of them at the same time.
4. Vaginal intercourse carries the highest STD infections but other routes such as anal sex, oral sex or sexual abuse of children and mother to baby infection during child birth are also causes for such diseases.
5. STD’s weakens the immune system and therefore if a person is infected with such disease he or she has more chances of getting other infections. Even if a person recovers from a sexually transmitted disease, he or she has a weak immune system.
6. STD among women is not much obvious as compared to men which show clear symptoms of the disease. As such the problem could be misdiagnosed among women.
7. Most of the times, it happens that women are infected with such diseases but since the symptoms are not clear they unknowingly infect other sexual partner.
8. Men are secretly bisexual and as such they could easily pick up an STD from any homosexual encounter and pass it to an unsuspecting heterosexual partner.
9. Lesbians are less likely to have STD’s as sexually transmitted diseases are not easily spread from woman to woman.
For further information you can visit our recommended website

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

The Importance of Telling Your Partner You Have an STD

May 5, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!
Sexually transmitted diseases are running rampant in our country. They strike millions every year and the most telling statistic is that so very few people actually know they have been struck. It can sneak up on you without notice, sitting idly for months, not displaying a single symptom before it strikes and starts to cause damage to your organs, your skin, or merely your self-esteem.
The spread of STD awareness in recent years has made it much more permissible to speak to young people and warn them of the dangers of unprotected sex and what they can do to stop the spread of STDs. However, another danger exists that has less to do with sexual education and more to do with social responsibility – that of telling your partner you have an STD.
For anyone who has been recently diagnosed or has gone through the horrible process of being diagnosed with an STD in the past, this situation is unfortunately very familiar. When the first word comes back from the doctor relaying that an STD has been found, after treatment options and health risks, the first thing many individuals think about is who they must tell and when they must tell them.
If you have ever had the same thoughts, do not feel bad because you are not alone. The stress of telling a partner about an STD is as profound and heart rending as any of the other major conversations you will have in your life time. No matter how well you may prepare for the process, it will still be very hard and take a lot of courage on your part.
But, you absolutely must tell your partner you have an STD. It is not an option, regardless of the STD or any lack of symptoms you may encounter. If you fail to tell your partner, you are putting them at risk along with any person they may have sex with should you break up. It may sound crass to say it so bluntly, but such is the nature of the problem.
There are more things at stake than just your pride as well. Your partner could very well have an STD if you have one. Because so many STDs fail to display symptoms right away or at all, they may already be a carrier and none the wiser. They will never know to get tested unless you tell them. The health risks to them and anyone they are sexually active with are too great to ignore your responsibility. That does not even take into account your past partners – anyone you may have had sex with since the last time you were tested.
Ultimately, after sexual education, the most important thing a young person can learn is how to responsibly tell their partner they have an STD, should the situation arise.
Read more about how you can tell your partner you have an STD at

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

Mum – I Have STD

May 5, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!
STD, sexually transmitted diseases have been called the 21st century plague.
Sexually transmitted disease includes well-known diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis, but also Genital Warts, Genital Herpes and chlamydia.
The stigma of what used to be called venereal diseases has largely gone, partly because everyone knows someone who has had to visit the STD clinic. Nice girls catch STDs, too.
STDs are transmitted by sexual contact. The more people you have sexual contact with, the greater your chance of having sex with someone who has STD and the greater the chance that you will be infected too. You can catch STD if the first person you have sexual intercourse with is infected, so it is not necessarily a sign of sexual license. Check out for more information.
Most sexually transmitted diseases respond to treatment if caught in the early stages. Some, like syphilis and gonorrhea respond to antibiotics. Genital Warts may need to be frozen off with liquid nitrogen. Not all hepatitis infections are treatable.
Many of these diseases have no symptoms. Gonorrhea may cause painful urination in males, but no immediate symptoms in females. Chlamydia has no immediate symptoms in males or females, yet if left untreated will cause infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease in females.
Because of the lack of symptoms, it is advisable for any adult who is sexually active to be tested for STDs. The consequences of a night of passion could be life-long and result in insanity or death at an early age if STDs are not detected and treated.
Diagnosis is simple; a swab is taken and sent for analysis. If the laboratory finds a positive result you will be asked back for treatment. If the result is positive you may be asked for a list of sexual contacts, or be asked to contact anyone you have had sexual relations with, so those people can also be treated.
AIDS/HIV is the sexually transmitted disease that everyone is aware of, but many people forget the older and more common diseases that also kill. Condoms help reduce the risk of STD transmission; they do not remove the risk entirely.
With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!


May 3, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

STD – Sexually Transmitted Disease – are transmitted through sexual contact. STD -are generally divided into two categories, bacterial and viral. Bacterial infections are relatively easy to cure if detected early. Viral infections are technically incurable but the symptoms are controllable if detected early. Having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can increase a person’s risk of becoming infected with HIV. STD treatment reduces a person to get HIV infection.

The human immunodeficiency virus HIV, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS and sexually transmitted disease STD are one of the main concern today. The patients affected by them are quite in number and alarming as it is infectious. From one person to the other, from a mother to a baby anybody anywhere can get the virus.
It is estimated by the Joint United Nations Program that there are over 34 million people worldwide affected with HIV/AIDS. Out of them only few are aware of their being infected and spreading the virus.

To begin with HIV – the human immunodeficiency virus – is a virus that kills your body slowly and slowly. HIV attacks human cells and uses nutrients and energy provided by those cells to grow and reproduce. HIV can be passed from person to the other. If someone with HIV infection has sex with or shares drug injection needles with another person then he or she is likely to be HIV positive. It also can be passed from a mother to her baby when she is pregnant, when she delivers the baby, or if she breast-feeds her baby.

It is very important to keep yourself away from the virus getting into your body and equally important not to let others infected by it. There are different ways of getting infected by HIV as

* If you have unprotected Sex with someone who has HIV. The virus can be in an infected person’s blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. It can also enter your body through tiny cuts or sores in your skin, or in the lining of your vagina, penis, rectum, or mouth.

* If you share a needle and syringe to inject drugs or share drug equipment used to prepare drugs for injection with someone who has HIV.

* If you had a blood transfusion or blood clotting factor that you got before 1985. As today all blood in the United States has been tested for HIV since 1985.

How can you protect yourself from HIV?

* Make a mature move, both the partners should not hesitate to go for HIV test

* If you are pregnant then have an HIV test

* Make sure to use condoms.

AIDS – the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – is a disease you get when HIV destroys your body’s immune system. Normally, your immune system helps you fight off illness. When your immune system fails you can become very sick and can die.

An HIV-infected person receives a diagnosis of AIDS after developing one of the CDC-defined AIDS indicator illnesses, (opportunistic infection). A positive HIV test result does not mean that a person has AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician using certain clinical criteria. There is no cure for AIDS. There are anti-retroviral drugs now available that can slow down the virus, and slow down the damage to your immune system. These drugs have also helped reduce the overall rates of opportunistic infections in people with AIDS.

Find more information visit: HIV/AIDS & Other STD

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

10 important Facts About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) & Sexually Transmitted Infections (ST

May 2, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

1. WHAT ARE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS)? Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that can be passed from person to person through sexual contact. In this case sexual contact means penis-vagina penetration, oral sex which is sexual contact using the mouth, and insertion of the penis into the rectum which is anal sex. Some of these diseases may be transmitted by exchange of sexual fluids such as semen or vaginal discharge. Some of the STD’s result in open sores, and it can be spread by contact with skin of someone else. There are also ways to transmit these diseases in a non sexual way, an infected pregnant woman can either give it to her baby during pregnancy, or when the baby is being delivered. Drug abusers can transmit the disease through sharing hypodermic needles that have been used by an infected person. The seriousness of STD’s varies, some are cured easily by drugs, others need a combination of treatments and drugs, whilst others have no cure, and the only option is treatment.

Any infection that is usually passed through sexual contact.

3.ARE THE TWO WORDS INTERCHANGEABLE. Fifteen years ago both these categories came under one name Venereal Disease (VD). To distinguish

between them they were separated into infections(STI) and diseases(STD). Infection means that a germ, bacteria, parasite or virus is present in the body. An infected

person does not necessarily have any symptoms, which means that they do not usually feel ill..A disease is any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes

discomfort, dysfunction, or distress, in other words your body tells you that you are unwell. This means that STI covers a wider range than the term STD. STD

refers only to infections that are causing problems. Because most of the time, people don’t know they are infected with an STI until they start showing symptoms of

disease, the AIDS Resource Center uses the term STD, even though the term STI is also appropriate in many cases.

Let’s see if we can simply un-muddy the waters here. Genital Herpes has two states when the blisters are present and when they are absent. When they are
present they are causing symptoms, ie the blisters, at this stage it is an STD, and it is that this stage that the infection is most likely to be spread to another
person.When the blisters are absent then there are no symptoms, and this is then an STI, and the likelihood of an infection is reduced. However HIV can be
an infection, in the sense that there may be no symptoms, when they develop symptoms then they have AIDS which is an STD. However it is important to
remember that HIV infection can be spread at any time.

A person who is already infected with STD, has a higher risk of contracting HIV if they have unprotected sex, without a condom. This risk is greater
if the STD causes open genital sores, as these wounds provide a break in the skin which enables the HIV infection to enter the blood stream. STDs that can
cause genital ulcers include genital herpes, syphilis, chancre, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, and scabies.

First of all the majority of the people with STD have no immediate symptoms and when they do have them it can be misleading to diagnose as the
symptoms can be confused with non sexual diseases. Please note that this applies much more to women than men.

unusual or A bad-smelling vaginal discharge,
severe itching or burning in the genital area,
unusual bleeding,
pain in the pelvic region,
pain during sex,
rashes on the genitals,
open sores or warts on the genital area, and/or recurrent urinary tract infections.

In men, the most common symptoms of STD are:
pain when urinating,
open sores or warts on the genital area,
genital rash
discharge from the penis, and/or pain in the scrotum/testicles.

The following symptoms are present in both men and women.
discharge from the anus,
swelling of the groin,
jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes),
oral thrush (white tongue),
sores or bumps in and around the mouth, and
generalized rashes.

Yes you can and listed below are some examples.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Herpes Simplex
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV, Warts)
Pubic Lice

The only foolproof way is abstinence from sex. A condom merely reduces the risk, and it must be used every time, before any sexual
fluids are exchanged.

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

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