Genital Warts Signs and Symptoms – How Will You Know If You’re Infected?

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

What are dealing with here?

Genital Warts are simply small bumps that appear on your skin around the genital area when you get infected with the virus that causes them. They are usually painless but itchy, and may be small or big, one or in a cluster. They can begin so small it is not possible to see them with the naked eye but then can grow with time to have the shape of a cauliflower head. They come in different colors ranging from white, pink, yellow or light brown.

What are the causes?

The main causative factor is the human papilloma virus that almost always affects young adults of ages 17 to 33 because of their increased sexual activity. The other factors that greatly enhance the chances of getting the disease are smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, use of oral contraceptives, having many sexual partners and beginning sexual intercourse at an early age. They warts are passed on during skin to skin contact with an infected person most often during sex.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms for Genital Warts infection may vary but them main ones are the ones listed below:


There are many folks who will get the infection and will take many months if not years before they manifest the symptoms. The best way to get a diagnosis is to seek professional medical advice where the doctor will conduct tests to be sure whether or not you are infected. Women are advised to go for a Pap smear to check for the presence of the HPV virus.

Is there treatment?

We could say that treatment for Genital Warts is available although it is one difficult cause of treatment. The reason is that the warts are simply a symptom of an underlying problem of am infection with a virus. The cure for the virus is not known in the medical field. Treatment much of the time will deal with healing and sometimes the physical removal of the warts.


There are both medical and surgical procedures that can be used in each case according to the advise of your doctor; this depends on the severity if your condition. The physical warts can actually be removed, although there are possibilities of recurrence because the underlying virus is still in the body. For some people the virus stays for life so prevention is the best way to be safe.

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Treatment Methods That Can Help Alleviate Your Genital Herpes Symptoms

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

If you currently suffer from genital herpes, you should know that many other people around the world have been infected with this viral sexually transmitted infection. They too know the pain, suffering and embarrassment you suffer from and deal with many of the same issues that you do as well. Genital Herpes is one of the most common infections that are currently out there today.


The good thing about genital herpes, and Genital Warts as well is that neither of these infections are life threatening, although Genital Warts can have some fairly permanent health complications. Genital Warts, for example, can lead to cervical cancer and permanent infertility due to pelvic inflammatory disease. As you can see, it can be heartbreaking for a woman to learn that the genital warts she has been infected with and dealing with for years are suddenly getting in the way of her plans to have children.


Because the symptoms are different between the two infections, treatments for Genital Herpes and genital warts is similar in some respects, but are actually quite different when you look at the details. The first thing that you need to remember is that you are treating the symptoms and preventing transmission. You are not curing these infections since there is no cure currently available. The best thing that is on the market is the Gardisil vaccine to make women immune to several strains of genital warts.


Both Genital Herpes and genital warts can be treated with products that ease the symptoms. With genital herpes, there are creams which can relieve the burning, itching pain and help the sores dry up more quickly. There are also medications which can make the outbreaks fewer and far between. These are great because fewer out breaks can make you feel more confident and comfortable. There are also antiviral medications which suppress outbreaks but these can be hard on your system.


Genital warts have different treatment products. They aim at shrinking the warts and getting them to go away and not return. Because they are raised areas , there are also treatment methods which can surgically remove genital warts. Because Genital Herpes are flat against the skin, there is no way to cut these off and treat them that way. Pills and creams are your only treatment methods with genital herpes.


You should not make the mistake of purchasing over the counter creams for your genital warts and Genital Herpes unless you have been advised to do so by your doctor. Doing so, especially for genital warts can make the problem much worse and end up causing permanent scarring or other health problems. If possible, you want to make sure that you are treating your HPV with creams and lotions before you make the leapt to getting wart removal surgery.


Although there are differences between the two infections, there are treatment methods that can help you lessen your genital herpes symptoms. They can help prevent accidental transmission and they can also help get you feeling like your old self as quickly as possible.

Symptoms of Yeast Infections

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

Yeast Infections share some symptoms with other ailments. For your best interests as well as anyone you may be sexually active with, you need to examine more than the symptoms of Yeast Infections. First of all, let me assure you that it is exceedingly rare that you can give another person this disease. If you heard or read this anywhere, your source is incorrect. The medical community lumps a lot of different things under the label of “vaginitis” and causes common laymen confusion.

You can experience temporary irritations similar symptoms of Yeast Infections. Things that can cause itching and burning in the vaginal area when no infection is present would be harsh soaps, a change in laundry detergent and feminine sprays you might be allergic to. These types of irritations will be very short lived once you eliminate the source of the burning or inflammation. Be sure to always rinse soap off well, even gentle bath soap can cause temporary vaginitis without infection.

Yeast Infections do not transfer between sexual partners. However, some STD’s do share some of the same symptoms. STD’s are not caused by fungal microorganisms, but by bacterias and parasites. Parasites are aggressive little hitchhikers. Fungi are placid plant forms that only spread when your own body gives the perfect environment to multiply.

- Trich is not a yeast overgrowth. This parasite is highly aggressive with a marked difference of the discharge being a foamy greenish to yellow. Yeast discharge is white and lumpy.

- HPV has a bloody discharge and will often go totally undetected hidden deep inside. You will have no lumps or bumps with a this disease.

- Genital Herpes does not include a discharge. The itching and burning begins up to several days prior to a spotty outbreak of lesions.

- Bacterial vaginosis is not transmittable. There is a distinct fishy odor along with a thin milky like discharge.

- Chlamydia infection is bacterial or it would not be treatable with antibiotics. There is no discharge with this infection. Take a home test before having sex so you are sure you know what your next step best taken will be.

Genital Warts â?? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

Anal warts are uncommon skin infection also known as Condylomata acuminata. Warts are benign tumors of the epidermis.They are caused by virus known as human papilloma virus (HPV).

Anal Warts are tiny, pinhead sized blemishes around the anus for sometime now and thought they’d go away on their own. But that did not happen, in fact, these small bumps grew to become pea-sized. This relatively common and bothersome condition does not appear as anal wart alone; it may present itself as anal genital wart, common warts on hands and plantar warts on the feet too.


The virus responsible for Genital Warts is called human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus can cause warts on the penis, vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix, and around the anus.

HPV infection around the genitals is common, although most people have no symptoms. Even if you do NOT have symptoms, however, you must be treated to avoid complications and spreading the condition to others.

Although much remains to be learned about how the papilloma virus progresses, doctors have observed that the warm, moist environment in the genital area seems to favor wart growth. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during pregnancy and in patients with defective immune systems.


· Raised, flesh-colored lesions on the genitals, anus, or surrounding skin

· Cauliflower-like appearing growths around the anus or genitals

· Increased dampness or moisture in the area of the growths

Signs and Tests

A genital examination reveals flesh-colored to white, flat or raised, single or clustered lesions anywhere on the genitalia.

In women, a pelvic examination may reveal growths on the vaginal walls or the cervix. Magnification (colposcopy) may be used to see lesions invisible to the naked eye. The tissue of the vagina and cervix may be treated with acetic acid to make the warts visible. A pap smear may note changes associated with HPV.


Genital Warts must be treated by a doctor. DO NOT use over-the counter remedies meant for other kinds of warts. Your doctor may treat Genital Warts by applying a skin treatment in the office. Or, the doctor may prescribe a medication that you apply at home several times per week.

Treatment of genital warts can be painful, and warts return after treatment in between 20% and 50% of people. Warts that return after being treated usually are not treated again unless you want to be retreated.

Surgical treatments include cryosurgery, surgical therapy:


A health professional applies liquid nitrogen to and around the warts.

First, the tissue is frozen with liquid nitrogen. Then, the tissue is allowed to thaw. The tissue is frozen again, if needed. The time of application varies by the health professional who applies the liquid nitrogen and the size of the warts.

The size and thickness of the warts determine the number and length of freeze/thaw cycles. Up to three treatments may be needed.


Visible genital warts on the penis or vagina or around the anus are removed by excision, which means cutting the warts off with a surgical knife (scalpel). Warts on the cervix may be removed by laser or loop electrosurgical excision (LEEP).

Plantar Warts â?? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

December 20, 2009 by admin · Comments Off 

Plantar warts are the warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Plantar warts are benign growths that occur on the sole, heel, or ball of the foot.Small lesions are typically “cauliflower-esque” in appearance. Though “plantar wart” refers specifically to HPV infection on the sole of the foot, infection by the virus is possible anywhere on the body and common especially on the palm of the hand.

Warts are small, benign (harmless) growths caused by a viral infection. They occur on the skin or the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane is tissue that lines the nose, throat, digestive tract, and other body openings. The viruses that cause warts are members of the human papilloma virus (HPV) family. Warts can be transmitted from one person to another and they can travel from one part of the body to another.

Causes of Plantar Warts

Find common causes and risk factors of Plantar Warts :

HPV can enter the skin through cuts or scratches on the plantar area of the foot.

Some people are more prone to warts than others.

Exposing your feet to unsanitary surfaces

Plantar warts are common. They may bleed if injured.

You are most likely to develop a wart where you have broken skin, such as a cut, hangnail, closely bitten nail, or scrape. Plantar warts are common to swimmers whose feet are not only moist and softened but are also scratched and broken by rough pool surfaces. Common warts are often seen among those who handle meat, chicken, and fish.

Plantar Warts Symptoms

Foot pain – Feels like a lump under the foot

Leg or back pain – Possibly causes poor posture

Firm, warty (rough, bumpy, and spongy, some appear thick and scaly) lesions with tiny pinpoint dark spots inside (not always apparent)

Diagnosis and Treatment

To diagnose a plantar wart, the foot and ankle surgeon will examine the patientâ??s foot and look for signs and symptoms of a wart.

Although plantar warts may eventually clear up on their own, most patients desire faster relief. The goal of treatment is to completely remove the wart.

The foot and ankle surgeon may use topical or oral treatments, laser therapy, cryotherapy (freezing), or surgery to remove the wart.

The goal of wart treatment is to destroy or remove the wart without creating scar tissue, which can be more painful than the wart itself. How a wart is treated depends on the type of wart, its location, and its symptoms. Also important is your willingness to follow a weeks- or months-long course of treatment.

Although plantar warts may eventually disappear by themselves, you should seek treatment if they are painful. Your physician will carefully trim the wart and apply a chemically treated dressing. The physician will also give you instructions for self-care. Salicylic acid patches, applied on a daily basis, and good foot hygiene, including regular use of a pumice stone, are often all that is needed. However, it may take several weeks for the wart to disappear completely.

Expectations (prognosis)

Warts are generally harmless growths that often go away on their own within two years. They can be contagious, but transmission from person to person is uncommon. Warts may be unsightly or cause discomfort, especially on the feet.

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