HPV And Warts

November 1, 2009 by admin 

Genital Warts are venereal warts on the genitals which are associated with the Human Papilloma Virus, also referred to as the HPV virus. HPV is possibly the most commonly transmitted sexual disease and special care must be taken. One of the methods to make sure that you stay healthy is knowing about diseases such as this and learning how you can protect yourself from them. Millions of people throughout the United States are infected by HPV. Since those numbers are so staggering, it is quite simple to realize the urgency of educating anyone who is sexually active about this virus and how it may be prevented.

There are many strains of HPV; almost two hundreds types are actually circulating worldwide. That is why it is so important that you use precautions and always practice safe sex with any partner that you may have. Additionally, women should have a regular screening during their annual pap smear to make sure that they are not carrying the virus.

For prevention, there is now a vaccine that has been shown to protect against HPV. If this is a concern of yours, then speak to your doctor about an HPV test and the HPV vaccination. While the vaccine will not cure a person who is already infected, it can help protect those who have not contracted it.

Most pharmacology efforts now focus on developing a vaccine to inoculate the population in order to stop the HPV virus from infecting the system. This is ideal for the pharmaceutical companies as it would of course reap a monetary windfall of epic proportions for the drug companies, but not useful at all for those already affected with warts. Importantly, China has now banned such vaccinations as they have found injecting a pathogen into your system does just that, it stays in your system, remaining latent in the joints, only to reappear in later years causing horrendous arthritis and or auto immune disorders.

If you have Genital Warts that are bothering you and medications do not limit the outbreaks, then you can talk to your doctor about having them removed. That is done by freezing the warts, which kills the cells. After the freezing, or cryosurgery, the warts will then die and fall off. Other treatments for warts may include burning them off with a laser, acid treatments or even using a topical cream.

Unfortunately, there are few successful medical options available. Surgically removing warts is the most common medical procedure. However, the patient is subject to a painful surgical intervention which results in skin damage/scarring along with the probability the warts will return.

Skin is comprised of the epidermis (outer layers), and the dermis which is referred to as the true skin (inner layers). The epidermis has 7 layers which protect and surrounds the true skin. Because the true skin is the reservoir of nourishment, it is the area where most dermatological problems begin and where the root of a wart resides. This is why surgery to remove warts is so highly invasive, it must dig deep through all dermal layers, only to yield unsuccessful results when the warts reappear, despite best surgical efforts, the entire infection is almost never entirely cut out.

As the antiviral properties of AntiWarts-Rx have the demonstrated ability to penetrate all layers of the skin and enter the blood stream via topical application, they have received considerable attention from the National Academy of Sciences and medical professionals on a global scale.

NaturesPharma’s treatments are truly unique. As they are certified organic they are safer than anything out there and more potent. In comparison with other warts treatments, the mode of action of AntiWarts-Rx as an anti-warts agent is particularly interesting not only in consideration of its ability to inactivate the extra cellular virus at concentration much lower than those in other treatments, but also for its ability to inhibit the cell-to-cell virus diffusion in already infected cells, which makes this product unique and far superior to all others. NaturesPharma’s anti-warts treatments have a well earned reputation as being industry leaders. If you have Genital Warts you can get rid of them quickly and easily with AntiWarts-Rx, go to http://www.naturespharma.org for more details.


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