What Is an STD STI?

November 1, 2009 by admin 

The acronyms “STD” and “STI” are thrown around a lot nowadays. It’s common to hear them stated on television, scrawled on pamphlets, and even mentioned in casual conversation. The question is – what are they? Many people don’t truly know, and this can lead to a lot of confusion.

Whats an STD? “STD” is the shorthand for “Sexually Transmitted Disease.” Princeton defines STD as “a venereal infection…a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact.” It seems fairly straightforward – STDs are diseases that can, generally, only be contracted by having sexual intercourse with an infected person although in very rare cases they can be transmitted through contact with a dirty toilet seat or unwashed shared towels. It’s most common for younger people with multiple sexual partners to contract an STD, but anyone can get one – age is not a determining factor.

Who’s at the most risk for STDs? Women seemed to be infected more than men, and infants born to infected women will more likely than not also be infected. Adolescents also tend to have a higher infection rate. There are many ways to discuss your infection if you have contracted an STD. Commonly individuals seek doctors for personal consultation but in the 21st century we suggest utilizing an anonymous Online STD Forum.

Whats an STI? The acronym “STI” is short for “Sexually Transmitted Infection.” Just like STDs, STIs are shared between people by sexual contact. HIV is considered an STI, and STIs can dramatically increase the chances of becoming infected after exposure to HIV. Anything that lowers your immune system (IE an infection) will reduce the ability of your body to fight to protect itself. Common STIs are the same as common STDs, as they’re essentially the same thing. However, Vaginitis is considered an STI and not an STD as men cannot contract a vaginal infection (although the infection can be transmitted as something else if their immune system is compromised already).

Vaginitis is an inflammation caused by infections such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and a vaginal Yeast Infection. Generally these infections can be caused by improper hygiene (on the part of men, too!) but sometimes they can be indicative of other shared infections. It’s always a good idea to be very careful with hygiene before sexual intercourse to prevent the transmission of STIs.

Overall, STD and STI are just two acronyms that mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably, which many in the healthcare profession do – much to the chagrin of confused patients.

For More information regarding STD Information, visit www.STDhelp.org


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