How to Deal With the Highly Contagious Venereal Disease Symptoms

October 28, 2009 by admin 

Venereal diseases or VD’s are sexually transmitted diseases, and in just about every case they are highly contagious. Infection normally occurs through sexual contact with another infected person. In this context sexual contact refers to oral, anal and vaginal sex. The different venereal disease symptoms will also change from one venereal disease to another.

As mentioned, venereal diseases can be passed on through sexual contact with an infected person. Most venereal diseases require the exchange of bodily fluids to be contagious, but in some cases skin-to-skin contact is all that it will take.

If a person displays any venereal disease symptoms, they should get a confirmed diagnosis first and foremost. Even the whiff of venereal disease symptoms should ideally be enough for a person to abstain from sexual relations until the suspicions have been refuted.

Unfortunately, most people either ignore such venereal disease symptoms, or on the other end of the spectrum, are in complete ignorance of any type of venereal disease symptoms. In light of the vast number of venereal diseases which are making the social rounds these days however, this can be understandable and even forgivable.

Some of the more well known venereal diseases include, HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HSV (Genital Herpes), HPV (Genital Warts), and Yeast Infections.

Venereal disease symptoms for AIDS indications, is mainly a breakdown of the immune system which can lead to the body being exposed to various other viruses, infections, and medical conditions. There is as yet no cure for AIDS.

For Genital Warts (HPV) the venereal disease symptoms include, pain of the affected area, a burning sensation, warts in and around the genital area, flesh colored lesions, and in some instances moisture or dampness around the affected area.

For Genital Herpes (HSV), the main venereal disease symptoms are blisters and sores which can be very painful to a person. There can also be muscle aches, backaches, fever, and a burning or pain when urinating as the urine passes over the sores or blisters.

For Yeast Infections, venereal disease symptoms include an intense itching sensation, thick cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge, pain, a burning sensation of the affected areas and pain during sexual intercourse.

For Syphilis, the venereal disease symptoms take on a slightly different route. To begin with a sore will normally develop (and heal of its own accord), and this will normally be painless.

After a few weeks have passed, a person will then get flu-like symptoms along with a rash which will also disappear of its own accord. After that no more outward symptoms will occur, but the Syphilis infection will remain. In this next instance a slow breakdown of the central nervous system will occur.

As can be seen venereal disease symptoms are many and varied. Some of the symptoms might be superficially alike, but it’s only when you put together all of the facts that you will get the entire picture and be able to place the correct venereal disease symptoms with the correct venereal disease.


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