Valtrex Helps Those With Genital Herpes Enjoy Better Sexual Life

October 29, 2009 by admin 

Genital Herpes is estimated to infect about 20 percent of the population, with many not really knowing they have been infected by the virus. It caused by one the herpes simplex viruses that also cause fever blisters, typically around the mouth as well as shingles and chicken pos, which are caused by the herpes zoster virus. Many patients diagnosed with Genital Herpes are advised to refrain from intimate, skin-to-skin contact resulting in the loss of their sexual life.

There is no known cure for the different types of herpes virus, however valacyclovir HCL, under the trade name of Valtrex has proven to be an effective aid in reducing the number of outbreaks of Genital Herpes and can help slow the spread of the virus. However, patients with Genital Herpes are advised against having unprotected sex even when taking Valtrex. While the drug may reduce to spread of the virus, sexual activity should not be practiced during an outbreak or if the patient believes an outbreak is about to occur.

Valtrex is also used to treat other forms of herpes and when prescribed for cold sores or shingles it should not exceed two doses, 12 hours apart. Additional treatment may be necessary but will need to be determined by the attending physician.

Sexual Life Does Not Have To End With Herpes

Contrary to many beliefs, a diagnosis of Genital Herpes does not mean a complete stop to a patient’s sex life. Taking the proper precautions to prevent the spread of the disease to their sex partner is the main concern of many patients and Valtrex has shown to help reduce the potential for spreading the virus. However, the drug is not designed to cure herpes and will not stop the spread of any type of sexually transmitted disease, especially for couples not practicing safe sex.

The physician will usually require an examination of patients before prescribing the drug and those with kidney problems may require an adjustment to dosage. Some of the side effects reported with the drug include headache, stomach pain, dizziness, cold or sore throat. While most of the side effects reported are minor, the physician will need to be informed if any of them develop.

Many myths exist about the spread of herpes and the belief that the disease cannot be spread unless there is an outbreak is just that…a myth. There can be no outward signs of the disease and still spread the virus. Valtrex taken daily can help stop the spread during periods of no signs of herpes outbreak.


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