Learn More About Genital Warts

October 29, 2009 by admin 

The HPV expands to read human papilloma virus. This is the virus that causes Genital Warts, which is a sexually transmitted disease. They are shaped like a cauliflower, or they will be stalk like and flat in shape. They are seen in the area near the rectum or seen near the genitals. There are various sub categories that the virus can be divided into. Some will be non resistant to treatment while there are some categories which are resistant towards treatment. Some of the categories are even associated with cancer of the genitals, at the beginning stage. This disease is pretty common among humans, and attacks people who are in the twenties often. This can only be gotten because of sexual intercourse.
The main reason for people getting Genital Warts is because of the kind of sexual contact that they have. Some children could be affected in very rare cases, and even adults could fall into this category. This will be gotten indirectly. For example, a towel, which is infected, could cause spread of the disease. During delivery, babies also have a chance of getting infected. When the area gets affected, it does not show for about two to four weeks. Genital Warts become visible sometimes, months after being affected. They could be itchy in nature, but they are not the type that would hurt a person. There are various appearances for the warts, as they may appear in groups or they may appear single.
Their shape also differs, as they may look like a cauliflower or they may be flat. Genital warts may appear on the penis in males, or they may appear under the foreskin. The urethra is also capable of getting the genital warts, and sometimes it may also appear near the rectum. Sometimes the warts could be so flat that they would seem invisible. There could be a burning and itchy sensation and this is how people would know that they have genital warts. A visit to the doctor is a must when these sensations are being felt. Those who have multiple sexual partners and those who do not practice sex, which is safe, are likely to get affected with genital warts.
Using a condom is one of the best remedies to prevent you from getting genital warts. Those who doubt that they have warts, with the symptoms that they feel, must check with a doctor as soon as they can. If there are sudden eruptions, then it is a must that you consult with a doctor, as it could mean that there is a defect in the immune system. The doctor will take you through a complete clinical examination. Acetic acid will be used to swab the area where there is itching. This will help detect if there are warts or not. It is important to get treatment for the warts in the initial stage itself. Doctors will also recommend that both the partners get treated if they feel they have warts. This will be the safest option that both have.


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