This Article is for Those Looking for Genital Warts Std Information

October 28, 2009 by admin 

Genital HPV infection is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). More than 30 of these viruses are sexually transmitted, and

they can infect the genital area of men and women including the skin of the penis, vulva (area outside the vagina). At least

50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. In short what we are

saying here is Genital Warts are STDs. Many people carry the wart virus on their penis, in and around the vagina, or in and

around the anus/rectum.

Not everyone with the genital wart virus will have signs of a disease. A point to note is that Genital Warts can also be

referred to as Condylomata Acuminate, Venereal warts, sometimes penile warts. Genital Warts STD infections are caused by

genital sexual contact and it’s very highly contagious. The use of condoms should not be a substitute. It can be difficult to

talk about STDs, but just as with any other medical issue, we need this information to stay safe and healthy. Exchange of

bodily fluids is not a cause for transfer of genital warts STD, rather it is through skin to skin contact.

That is why I mentioned earlier that using of condoms will not be of much help in preventing you from contracting the genital

warts STD from infected partners. The most common method carried out to detect the genital warts STD is by visual examination

which by and large is conducted by a doctor. No treatment for visible genital warts is better than another, and no single

treatment is ideal for all cases.

The warts are sometimes found on the outer lips of the vagina, inner thighs or other potions of the genital area.

If the visual examination does not yield lots of fruit, other tests can be run on you like cervical smear test or even

colposcopy, which is dabbing the affected area with acetic acid. Other causes of genital warts STD is starting to have

sexual relationships at a tender age, having unprotected sex, having sex with multiple partners and also having a history of

other STDs.

No treatment is completely satisfactory, and some treatments are uncomfortable and leave scars. External genital warts may be

removed by laser, freezing (cryotherapy), or surgery using local anesthetics For instance Podophyllin toxin, imiquimod,

trichloroacetic acid and so forth. In uncircumcised men, circumcision may help prevent recurrence. Some topical medications

include: Aldara, a cream, which boosts the immune system’s ability to fight the virus.

Gardasil is a vaccine for genital warts STD too which is recommended to be administered to young girls between the ages of 9

to 26 in a number of three dosages before the onset of sexual relationships. Due to its highly contagious nature the only

truly effective way to prevent genital warts STDs is abstinence. That is why it is very important to check up with your

doctor anytime you switch partners; that way you will not accidentally infect another person if you do indeed have any STD’s

like genital warts. Sexually active women should have a regular Pap Smear test to screen for cervical cancer and other

pre-cancerous changes.

Check yourself often for signs of actual warts; these can be treated. But remember: we treat the wart, not the virus, which

stays in the skin.


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