How these 4 Techniques Can Help You Burn More Fat

May 18, 2010 by moi 

physical fitness has been around for many decades , so a lot of people such as sport scientists have created many exercises for specific needs. Some people have created fat burning workouts, so we have decided to include a few in this article to help you burn that body fat. To burn body fat you need an exercise which will move your heart rate to the correct zone. By moving to the correct zone and exercising hard enough your pulse rate will increase, burning more fat expeditiously. When you achieve the correct zone your metabolic process will increase, that’s how you burn fat. The key to all these exercises is low intensity .

 Exercising at a high intensity is the best routine to burn fat  . A lot of people don’t know that high intensity burns more fat because you simply burn more calories compared to low intensity workouts. You can achieve high intensity work by doing interval training. So instead of jogging for 40 minutes, you can increase your pace so that you do bouts of high and low intensity for nearly 20 minutes. Research shows that this is best for burning fat – and it saves you time .

Another great method for burning fat is cycling , you can cycle inside at the gym or you may even have your own stationary bike at home. The preferred method is cycling outside on a beautiful day. This is a great exercise for burning fat, depending on speed and resistance you can burn around an amazing figure of 250 – 500 in half an hour, but remember to burn them fat calories you must keep it low intensity.

Another top method is swimming; the best thing about swimming it that it’s very fun as well . This helps to relish training and achieve better results. In swimming there are different techniques e.g. breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. It’s entirely up to you which technique you prefer, for instance performing breast stroke for 30 minutes can burn roughly 400 calories. That’s a very healthy figure indeed.

Our concluding method is rowing, this is a fantastic exercise all round. Rowing is great for exercise and benefits your arms by a large amount, killing two birds with one stone is always a great advantage. Again you can do this at home if you have a rowing machine or at the gym. You may even be in a rowing team, and can perform this exercise on a lovely lake. Keep it low intensity and row away; you can burn up to 300 calories within half an hour.

If you mix and match these fat burning workouts, the weight should drop off you in no time, overall achieving your goals in a quicker period.  And to really feel the pain, you could even make a circuit out of these ones  .


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