Modern Hair Transplants

May 6, 2011 by moi 

Hair replacement methods have really improved up in the last decade there-abouts. Not just in the “how”, but also the end results. Before you could spot a hair transplant across the road, but now you can be right next to a patient and not know any different. Most modern hair transplant results nowadays are excellent and are carried out by industry professionals. There are some excellent hair transplant Toronto specialists.

Instead of a type of large punch method for adding hair grafts, a prevalent transplant is completed by using a method called Follicular Unit Transplantation. Because of this, hairlines and new growth appear essentially normal to the eye and very hard to distinguish as transplanted. So what exactly is a hair transplant, especially the modern ones used today? They are basically a way of dealing with specific types of baldness, primarily in men, and possible transplant individuals are screened carefully. If they have enough hair to take from one part of their head and place on a balding area, they can avert baldness from dispersing in the other areas.

The method now is so common and systematized that success of the procedures are often guaranteed by the doctor. Very microscopic incisions are made on the scalp, unlike the large ones used in the past. These incisions mimic the size of genuine hair follicles, enabling transplant specialists to produce better and more realistic hair styles than ever before. The hair that is transplanted comes specifically from the client’s head. This is why there is no rejection process or effect. It is best to seek a hair transplant before there are too many bald spots, and while enough “donor hair” remains on the head.

After consulting with a hair transplant professional, patients should have reasonable expectations. If baldness runs in the family, a hair transplant may be able to greatly slow this process. But there must be enough hair left on the head to make a transplant possible. It is best to get an early assessment before baldness develops into a major problem.The success of hair transplants depends not only on the amount of hair already lost but the person’s age, skin and hair condition and even the color of the hair. If hair is already grey or light colored, then the donor hair (also grey) may not cover the head as well as darker hair. But it will still look significantly better than a completely bald upper head, the most general type of baldness.

There is only minor discomfort during the hair transplant procedure. Anesthesia is applied locally via needles to the scalp in two stages, so that the bulk of the freezing happens when you can’t feel your skin anyway. If really tense, sedative can also be used but they are not typically necessary if enough reassurance is provided. Another excellent way today’s hair transplants differ from those in the past is the amount of treatments required. Most hair transplants today take only one session, although it can be a bit lengthy. Ten or twelve thousand hair follicles are gently put in place on the head. Post-surgical pain is usually minimal or not there at all, although itching is common. This does not bother most individuals.

Within a few days, they are back at work and following their usual sessions. One surprise that occurs after a Toronto hair transplant is short-lived reducing of the new hair. This is perfectly normal and patients should be prepared for this. Gradually, new hair will grow into those spots. Once the hair grows in, the before and after results may be impressive. Men with considerable baldness may in fact appear to have a lustrous head full of thick hair. Again, outcomes can vary but this is entirely achievable due to the advances made in modern hair transplants.


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