One Simple Tip Could help You Burn 25% or More Calories in Your Next Workout

May 18, 2010 by moi 

One simple change to your workout could help you burn 25% more calories without having to spend even one more minute on the treadmill! Are You ready for this scientifically validated tactic?

Quit holding on to the rails

Seriously, it is that easy . It always makes me cringe whenever I walk into the gym and see 4 out of 10 people jogging on the treadmill while holding onto the side rails . This is even worse for those people on the stair stepping machine ; for this group it is more like 8 out of 10 . Research has shown that supporting yourself during aerobic exercise actually decreases caloric expenditure by twenty to twenty-five percent . So…

Let go of the rails!

While I’m on the subject of increasing caloric expenditure , allow me to throw a bonus tip your way at no extra charge . If you put this single bonus tip into action, it may actually allow you to double, or even triple the number of calories that you burn in any given workout . Are you ready for it?

I realize that what I am about to tell you may seem like common sense but I think many of us need to hear it from time to time. It never ceases to amaze me how people will go to the gym and hang out like they’re cruising the clubs or enjoying a fun day of bar hopping. The bonus tip is simple…if you have to be at the gym, you might as well make it count. Most of us are not reaching even one-half of the potential that we can get out of our workout. All we need to do is put the ear buds in, tune everybody out and hit the workout with an eye of the tiger that would put Rocky to shame. Just decide to be present and bust your rear end to make your workout count. So visit your favorite weight loss blog, download your best weight loss podcast but in the end, you have to leave the sweat on the gym floor! 

(J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006 Nov-Dec;26(6):391-4.)


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