Perfect Pregnancy Sleeping Positions-First Trimester Sleeping Made Simpler

February 24, 2011 by moi 

Most expecting mothers are wondering why they find it difficult to sleep during pregnancy. The changes in your body may affect your peaceful slumber and it is because of the growing size of your tummy, acid reflux, breath shortness, lower back pain, and insomnia. You need to know more of the right sleeping positions in pregnancy. First trimester is the better time to learn to help you sleep better during the night through your pregnancy.

With enough sleep at night, both you and your baby will end up healthier. Many people call the perfect sleeping position in pregnancy as SOS or sleep on side. It’s better to sleep on the left side but you can even try out these positions:

-Sleep during pregnancy using a cushion underneath the abdomen. A maternity pillow might help provide support.

-For women suffering from heartburn, the upper body should be propped up with added pillows.

-Lie on your left side and just a bit bend your knees.

Ladies who love to sleep on their tummy will no longer be able to do it because the tummy increases in size. It’s not encouraged to sleep on the back especially if you are in the later stageoif your pregnant state. The weight of the developing child is just too much on your spine and back muscles.

No matter whether you are in the first trimester or in the later phase of being pregnant, you’ll need to get accustomed to using the correct pregnancy sleeping positions. First trimester is the time period to get accustomed to sleeping in the correct position which will lead to a healthful pregnancy.  Once you find out that you’re expecting, you will need to talk to your physician right away. Every month, you need to see your physician for further check-up. You can also speak about your sleeping issues so that you will know how to cope with it. Get a maternity pillow that may help you rest on your side.

A good maternity pillow can be quite a life saver for expecting moms. They not merely encourage sleeping in the right side sleeping position for a healthy pregnancy, they also help you to sleep like a baby. Imagine your body wrapped in a big comfy pillow. Well, you can now justify that indulgence because doing so leads to a healthier pregnancy.

Do you need to get a good night’s rest while maintaining the correct pregnancy sleeping positions inside your first trimester and all through your pregnancy?  Well, knowledge is power. Now you are armed with the one, two punch to get a complete and healthy night of sleep while pregnant. Be sure to make use of the proper and recommended pregnancy sleeping positions and invest in a maternity pillow. This highly effective combination will put your pregnancy slumbering problems to bed and allow you to sleep like a baby for the remainder of your own pregnancy.


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