Pregnancy is the best Occasion for Giving up Cigarette smoking Pregnant Mom-to-be

April 8, 2011 by moi 

Pregnancy is when women must be cautious about several things especially smoking. The results of smoking cigarettes while you are expecting will not only affect the mother’s health and wellbeing but also her unborn baby. If you are planning to have a child then this is the time for quitting smoking cigarettes. Expecting mothers can certainly ensure having a healthy baby when they quit smoking during pregnancy.

There are several hazardous effects of smoking in pregnancy. Cigarettes all consist of carbon monoxide and nicotine which often can bring about quite a few damaging side effects inside our entire body where our baby will develop up to nine months. During pregnancy, cigarette smoke increases the amount of that nicotine and carbon dioxide inside the blood stream of the mom, thus the supply of nutrients and oxygen required by the infant will likely be limited and constricted. This will bring about hazardous effects to the baby.

By smoking, your baby will likely be denied of the complete share of oxygen and nutrients necessary for correct prenatal development. Also, one of the most hazardous effects of smoking while expecting is that your baby may be born prematurely. Smoking furthermore heightens the likelihood of your child being delivered small or under a healthy weight. These infants need to stay in the hospital for days to obtain specific treatment to nurse them to a standard weight.

As mentioned earlier, smoking cigarettes can certainly reject appropriate quantity of oxygen for the baby, this can lead to fetal brain injury and even miscarriage. According to some studies done, smoking cigarettes while pregnant may even cause sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS.

For this reason pregnant women must quit smoking during pregnancy. But, just like in many other aspects, expectant women must make sure to choose a stopping smoking technique which is appropriate for them. Pregnant women have to consider the wellness of their child when choosing an approach to quit smoking while pregnant. Women that are pregnant ought to choose a stop smoking method that’s all natural and succeeds quick. Time is important pertaining to expecting mothers. They want something that is all natural with no chemical compounds that can harm their child.

Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is easily the most powerful natural technique for giving up smoking cigarettes women that are pregnant can pick. It is all natural due to the fact it is a kind of hypnotherapy that utilizes an audio-based recording to assist expecting mothers stop smoking. It is very effective and has a very high rate of success. You don’t need to go out of your house to find a professional. You can give up smoking just by listening to an NLP structured audio recording.

So if you are seriously interested in wanting to quit smoking while pregnant then you need to further investigate NLP. It’s simply the easiest and most effective way for expectant women to kick their smoking habit. Best of luck on your journey to a smoke free pregnancy and beyond.


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