Understanding How Menopause Symptoms Will Affect Your Life

May 13, 2011 by moi 

Every single woman on the planet is going to experience menopause. It is pretty much part of what makes you female.

Unfortunately, this “change of life” is not easy or smooth. Lots of women are forced to deal with picky symptoms that make life hard and are difficult to control. Many women are anxious about the way their menopause symptoms will impact the other people in their lives. The good news is that if you learn how to identify the different menopause symptoms you will be able to comfort and help the women in your life who are dealing with this “change.” Learning what you can about the symptoms of menopause will help you figure out what is happening to your loved ones’ bodies and help them cope with the new phases of their lives.

One of the more annoying menopause symptoms, especially for the woman going through it, is a loss of mental acuity. Many women report difficulty concentrating, feeling disoriented and even often feeling confused. Some women report disturbing lapses in their memory. The woman is not the only person who has problems with this–it also affects the rest of the people in her life.

It is important that you have patience if a woman in your life is forced to deal with this symptom. It is far more irritating for them than it is for you! Most women find that the changes in their hair growth patterns are one of the most embarrassing symptoms of menopause. Lots of women report that they start to lose hair in most of the places where it is normal for hair to grow (like the hair and the pubic area). And while this hair is being lost from the normal places it starts to grow in unusual places like the face and the chest. Hair grows differently for every woman. If you don’t usually grow hair on your face or chest and some starts to show up (especially if you’ve been losing hair from other places) it is time to call your doctor. You could be going through menopause.

Believe it or now, lots of women report that there are changes in how they smell when they start to go through menopause. For some women, it is the change in the way the body smells that helps them realize that they are going to menopause. This symptom, in particular, is very hard to notice. If a woman in your life suddenly starts to smell differently, even when she isn’t wearing perfume and she hasn’t started to use a new soap, she might be going through menopause.

Nobody enjoys going through menopause. Even if you are not going through the change yourself, if someone you love is going through it, you are affected as well. You should definitely learn what you can about all of the menopause symptoms. This will help you provide the right level of support to the women in your life who experience it. In addition to being properly sympathetic this will also help you figure out what happens to a woman when she gets to a certain age. You could even be able to help the woman in your body find out what has been happening to her body.

Some experts believe that Kegel can help. So check out our website as we look at Kegel Exercises for women. We also have another website that covers Kegel Exercises for men.


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