Effective Treatment for Plantar Warts

November 1, 2009 by admin 

Skin outgrowths found on the soles of the feet are called plantar warts. These skin lesions are similar to callouses, bunions, and corns. They are benign tumors which are not life threatening though. However, these kind of warts can cause pain and discomfort. If they are severe, you will find it hard to walk and so you need to use an effective treatment for plantar warts.

Recent studies have shown that there are no 100% effective plantar wart treatments. Even if you can find a certain treatment for them, plantar warts are not that responsive.

You can easily get infected with it through skin contact especially if you have tiny cuts. You only have to practice good hygiene to prevent plantar warts. When you’re in public places, don’t walk barefoot. If you find tiny cuts especially on your feet, treat them immediately. Always keep them dry and clean at all times.

The body has a natural defense system and so it will deal with the plantar warts automatically. But you can’t expect immediate results and you need to bear the pain as long as they are there. If you’re unhealthy, it will even take longer for the plantar warts to heal and disappear.

Because of the extreme pain and discomfort, many people opt for drastic measures to remove them.

Salicylic acid has been used to treat plantar warts because it peels the layers of the skin tissue thereby removing the wart. Aside from that, there are also surgical methods or techniques that you can be employed. Freezing and cutting the plantar warts is very painful and a bit costly. A more expensive yet less painful option is the laser method. But very few people choose this option because of its high cost.

There are available home remedies to remove plantar warts. You can do foot baths every night. You can also cover your feet with duct tape for a couple of days. This can irritate your skin further thereby attracting the immune system’s attention for immediate action. However, it may still take several weeks before the warts will disappear.

HPV is not an ordinary virus. Even experts find it hard to deal with despite the many options available. You must be able to accept the fact that plantar warts are difficult to treat. No matter what treatment option you choose, it will still take some time for them to heal completely. So you should prevent the acquisition of the virus. Because once you have the virus, there is a high chance of recurrences.

There is no effective treatment for plantar warts at present. Perhaps in the near future when researchers and scientists can develop a more effective approach for them. For now, you should only practice good hygiene to prevent getting infected. If you already have the HPV, you can use any of the treatments mentioned earlier. If you can afford the expensive ones, then go for them for immediate results.


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