Genital Wart Treatment Should Be Safe and Effective

November 1, 2009 by admin 

Also called Condylomata acuminata, or venereal wart, a genital wart is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Today, common genital wart treatment methods include surgery and the use of doctor-applied or patient-applied solutions.

There are, however, negative effects that are to be expected with the use of these methods. Surgery, for example, can cause scarring, and will require a period of recuperation. On the other hand, popular topical creams for HPV contain podophyllotoxin, imiquimod or sinecatechins which are associated with skin erosion, pain and local irritation.

Because of these, patients and physicians alike are turning their attention to all-natural topical solutions that focus not simply on removing the physical symptoms, but also in strengthening the body’s immune system and inhibiting the spread of the virus. In this way, they serve as safe and effective genital wart treatment alternatives to the more known surgical methods and chemical formulations.

Unlike common treatments, natural solutions do not commonly introduce foreign substances that can trigger allergic reactions to the body, and their usage will often require no downtime. Users may apply them daily without having to fear such harsh side effects as depigmentation or scarring. Further, they are generally much less expensive than topical creams that can cost $200 to $300, but carry a 5 to 65 percent risk of recurrence.

To be more effective, the genital wart treatment formulation should also come with lipophilic extracts, allowing it to penetrate deeply. When it enters the skin’s deeper layers, these extracts can circulate into the system, introducing a virucidal action and providing total systemic support as well.

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Nature’s Pharma offers AntiWarts Rx, an all-natural genital wart treatment featuring plant-based extracts. With AntiWarts Rx, results are guaranteed, and will be observed in as fast as one to four weeks. For more details, visit or call 469-277-2102.


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