Home Remedies For Houston Genital Warts Treatment

November 2, 2009 by admin 

HPV is the virus that causes Genital Warts. People can be infected with HPV and never show any symptoms. HPV Genital Warts can appear on any part of the body that has had any physical contact with an infected person. These areas can range from the genitals, throat and mouth, and may look like small bumps or a cluster of tiny bumps. HPV is the virus that causes warts.

Symptoms of internal warts in women include vaginal pain, vaginal bleeding, and pain with intercourse. Symptoms of infection include tingling, itching, burning or redness of the skin at the infection site. Infection with HPV may be dormant or undetectable, with some lesions hidden by hair or in the inner aspect of the uncircumcised foreskin in males.

Home remedies for Genital Warts treatment can be done. Beware though of as many “self made” remedies.  Here are the tested home remedies for genital warts:


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