Teenage Relationship Dangers Hpv

November 1, 2009 by admin 

How HPV is Transmitted

When an individual comes in contact with an individual who has HPV, in a sexually oriented manner, it is likely that they will contact the virus. Nearly all the cases that have been confirmed come as a result of sexual intercourse, or oral sex activities. Fluids from an infected person are passed through the skin of the genital area, as well as mucous membranes. Any exchange of body fluids can result in an infection of this condition. Teenagers often think that they cannot become infected with a sexually transmitted disease, or that AIDS is the largest concern, they should be taught that this simply is not true. HPV is a rapidly spreading condition that can wreck havoc on the health.

HPV Symptoms

There are many symptoms that are associated with HPV. The most common is that of Genital Warts. It is important to understand, though, that not all cases of this particular virus will result in visible warts in the genital area of the individual that is infected. If warts are detected, they may be any size, and/or shape. Unfortunately, apart from the visible appearance of Genital Warts or warts that can be found on the thighs, the anus, or other places on the outside of the body, most symptoms are internal and may not be discovered until a large amount of damage has been caused.

The Complications

This is a teenage relationship danger not only because of the fact that it is a sexually transmitted disease, but also because it can result in the onset of various types of cancers in both males and females. Examples of the types of cancers that may develop include that of cervical cancer, rectal cancer, and other types. These cancers can be treated on the most part. The problem is, if someone is unaware of the fact that they have this condition, the symptoms associated with cancer may not be discovered until it is too late. Teenagers really need to know the facts on this particular illness.



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