Any other options for dealing with genital warts?

April 27, 2009 by admin 

I have recently been diagnosed with HPV (Genital Warts causing) and have been receiving treatment for the past month. My doctor has been using a TCA acid to treat the warts and my partner has been completely clear. Just last night he noticed the tiniest little outbreak on his penis, but due to his lack of health insurance (and lack of $$) visiting a doctor is completely out of the question. I myself am a believer in natural treatments for things, but after having tried one (apple cider vinegar) to rid the warts, I have become a bit discouraged. This is because I feel it caused a bit of spreading. Are there any other suggestions? Any input or comments are appreciated. This has been extremely hard to cope with, as anyone with this problem would know, and I'm in dire need of some advice.


One Response to “Any other options for dealing with genital warts?”

  1. themegmeg on April 27th, 2009 7:30 am

    If you have insurance, go to the doctor and get aldara cream for the warts. It is expensive if you don't have insurance, but if you do it works very well. It's the only thing you can do at home to get rid of it. Share yours with him, follow the instructions. One box contains way more than what it takes for one person to get rid of a small outbreak.

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