difference between hpv and herpes?

May 2, 2009 by admin 

What's the difference between HPV (Genital Warts) and herpes? If a person catches hpv, does it cure by itself? if so, how long does it take?


One Response to “difference between hpv and herpes?”

  1. Emily B on May 2nd, 2009 7:32 am

    The way I see it, hpv is the lesser of two evils. It is now believed that hpv will cure itself within 6-12 months, if your immune system is healthy, sometimes longer if not. Seeing a doctor anyway should be done just to be safe regardless of the fact that it will go away on its own. Many people don't have any symptoms at all. There is no cure for hpv itself, but if you have warts, you may want to seek treatment to have them removed. There is also a shot now for females to prevent most types of hpv.

    Herpes is non-curable as well, but will stay with you for the rest of your life, unlike hpv. There are medicines out there to reduce outbreaks. Herpes is painful and has blister like sores where as one might not even know they have hpv and if they do get warts, are just like warts on a finger, painless.

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