Have you successfuly gotten rid of HPV (genital warts)?

April 13, 2009 by admin 

I was sexually assaulted which resulted in being infected with HPV (Genital Warts)

How can I fight off this virus? I heard that a good immune system can fight off the virus and get rid of warts. I also heard that it can go dormant in two years or less.

Has anyone had experiences like this? Also, I have some bacterban, which is bacterial cream that I used to use on my impetigo. Could I use this on my warts? Or will it not work since it is supposed to treat bacteria and warts are a virus?

Please tell me your experiences with HPV.


One Response to “Have you successfuly gotten rid of HPV (genital warts)?”

  1. PTownRoses on April 13th, 2009 9:02 am

    No, bacterban will do absolutely nothing for you. If you go to the doctor they will prescribe you a cream called Aldera. It stimulated the immune system and gets rid of the warts. Usually the first outbreak is the worst, most don't ever have another outbreak. If you do have more outbreaks they become less and less the older you get because your immune system gets very good at preventing the virus from another outbreak.

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