herpes warts or just a sore?? pls help!! :( i need answers!! dont ignore!! pls!!?

May 2, 2009 by admin 

I went to my gyno this past friday and she told me i might have hpv-Genital Warts.. since then ive been eating right,excerising, and taking 3 different kind of vitamins bc ive read that your body can fight the virus if you just keep a healthy diet and life. She said i wouldnt be able to see the wart if i looked bc she did a biopsy on me and did something.. but today when i looked..it looked more like a sore on the inside of my vagina. I get canker sores in my mouth (have all my life) and thats kind of what it looks like down there..and its sore..Ive had many Yeast Infections though and i have had unprotected sex. Could she possibly diagnosed me with the wrong thing? (i got back tommorow) I was thinking the only thing it could be besides warts are genital herpes..are these preventable too if u take care of urself??
And are warts usually sore?
I also have pain in my uterus/left side of my abdomen..close to my ovaries i think, i think it might be a cyst but maybe something to do with the sore i have??

no rude comments please.


One Response to “herpes warts or just a sore?? pls help!! :( i need answers!! dont ignore!! pls!!?”

  1. J B on May 2nd, 2009 11:32 am

    It is very possible this could be genital warts. Your overall health has nothing to do with whether you can get them or not. It has everything to do with having unprotected sex. Genital warts can be removed but often take multiple visits to the doctor and sometimes even then, they can come back. If you are having abdominal pain, hopefully, you talked with your gynecologist about this too. Some additional testing may be needed for this. Talk with your doctor about your options when she calls you back. You can go to WebMd and read up on genital warts so that you can have the knowledge to ask appropriate questions when she calls you tomorrow.

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