HPV Genital Warts?

April 29, 2009 by admin 

can a person get HPV from a person that got treated for it already, has no signs of warts what so ever, and it seems to be completely gone. can the virus be contracted through bodilly fluids, or some other way if it seems to be cleared up?


One Response to “HPV Genital Warts?”

  1. sarcastro1976 on April 29th, 2009 11:32 am

    Yes, it is a virus and has the potential to stay in the body forever once it's there. Sometimes the body will make enough antibodies to get rid of the warts on its own, but the virus may or may not still be in the body.

    Treating warts consists of removing them; this does not remove the virus.

    It's contracted skin to skin, so condoms may not protect you.

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