Is this herpes, irritation, HPV/genital warts or what? Help!?

April 22, 2009 by admin 

Alright so about two days ago my dick felt a bit dry ( I'm un-circumcised) and my girlfriend jerked me off about three times. Than yesterday I noticed my penis felt irritated and was slightly red and had mini red dots so small that with the eye it was barley noticeable. They don't hurt but this doesn't fit the herpes diagnosis because it's been close to four months since she was with another man and she was tested. I read that a disease called HPV occurs with no pain but it looked different in pictures than mine and it also said theres no way to detect it unless a doctor tries to pour vinegar on it? Also she is the type of person to panic over everything and I was wondering why this hasn't occured to her? I need to know because I don't want anyone else at risk! Please help!


One Response to “Is this herpes, irritation, HPV/genital warts or what? Help!?”

  1. Afrodite on April 22nd, 2009 3:29 am

    I think panic does't work…calm her down then go to the doctor…
    I think u just have an irritation.

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