Should I use teh Law of Attraction to fight HPV (genital warts)?

April 20, 2009 by admin 

I was diagnosed with HPV recently. This is from the time I was sexually assaulted 9 months ago.

However, I think so many warts have manifested because I was deeply depressed over the past year. (The sexual attacker also started stalking me.) Do you think my depression may have an impact on these warts?

If I incorporate LOA into my actions like eating a healthy diet, exercizing, and taking vitamins, could I fight off this virus?

I also am getting Aldara to put on my warts.

Please help!


One Response to “Should I use teh Law of Attraction to fight HPV (genital warts)?”

  1. Jyotish Prakash on April 20th, 2009 11:30 am

    Sweetie, I'm so sorry you had to go through such a painful experience.

    I definitely think the depression has something to do with it. It's pretty well known by medical science that when we're stressed and depressed all sorts of things go wrong in the body. We also know that if you give a person a fake pill (placebo) and tell them that it's real medicine, many will get well. So, the power of the mind and its ability to heal is a very real thing.

    As far as the LOA, definitely use it for your healing. Look at it this way – what can it hurt? Nothing. I'm sure you'll get a lot of good from it, and you may be surprised find your HPV going into remission.

    I would also try using affirmations – spoken out loud – to bring healing to you. I would affirm my health if I were you. I have some pain in my wrists, and I also have had ear infections. When my ears or wrists hurt, I treat with traditional medicine, but visualize and project healing for my body. It works. "My wrists are strong, flexible, and free of pain" – that's an example of one I say for my wrists. There may be people here who will poke fun at this approach, but hey – if it works, so what? And what does being positive cost? Nothing! And if it helps you, then it's like gold.

    The affirmations are powerful, but just a bit of advice: you need to do them every day, focusing your intentions. Even if it's only 5 minutes a day, it it's 5 focused minutes out of the day, and you do that every day, then it's magic.

    I think you're on the exact right track. Don't stop traditional treatement – but just add to it with the LOA. And add to that what you mentioned (vitamins, a healthy diet, etc) plus the affirmations (which is a tool for working with the LOA), then you have a winning combination.

    Also if you can get a massage every so often that would be healing. If you can learn to meditate that will help you 10 times over to work with the LOA. Also, have you seen the movie "The Secret?" If not, see if you can rent it. It's all about the LOA, and it's really inspiring.

    Keep it up; you can make it! Just reading what you typed and seeing that you're as together as you are, especially after what you endured, tells me you're going to get through this. I know it's not easy, but keep your faith high, and you'll make it.

    Peace, Love and Blessings to you!

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