What type of doctor is best to see if I think I have HPV (Genital Warts)?

April 21, 2009 by admin 

I have a growth that may be Genital Warts and want to get it checked out. With my insurance I can go to any doctor I want to no matter their specialty, is there one that is better than others to see to have this looked at?
Dur, guess that would have been useful info…. I'm a guy….


One Response to “What type of doctor is best to see if I think I have HPV (Genital Warts)?”

  1. tarnishedsilverheart on April 21st, 2009 7:31 am

    You can go to a general or a family doctor.

    Some say a urologist if you are male…

    My thoughts are to see a urologist if there signs of anything unusually in the urethra….

    But since HPV in of the vulva or penis is a skin disorder and a dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in skin disorders

    I wish you well.

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