Will Having HPV Hurt My Chances of Getting Good Medical Insurance?

May 6, 2009 by admin 

I was sexually assaulted 10 months ago and as a result I have low-risk HPV (Genital Warts.) This strain does not cause cancer or any cervical changes, only ugly warts.

I had treatment to remove the warts. Now it is on my record that I have HPV.

Will this hurt my chances at getting a good policy in the future? Will they insinuate that if I have an STD, I must be “loose” and lead a risky lifestyle that includes smoking, drinking, and other unhealthy behaviors? It is not my fault for getting the STD because I was sexually assualted.

I have an anxiety disorder so I worry constantly. Please tell me if I am worrying for nothing or if my worries are warranted.


One Response to “Will Having HPV Hurt My Chances of Getting Good Medical Insurance?”

  1. Jezebella on May 6th, 2009 7:29 am

    I hear ya on the anxiety disorder. I’ve been dealing with that since I was a kid. I know having HPV doesn’t help with your nerves. I spent many months coming to terms with it and my anxiety was unbearable just trying to deal with all of it.
    Your insurance will not be affected. I think if insurance companies held that against you thousands of people would be having problems with their insurance companies! Besides, most companies cover the HPV test. It’s such a common thing now and I don’t think they can really do anything about it except cover you.

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