What causes Yeast Infection – Quick Introduction

March 1, 2010 by admin 

A Yeast Infection, also called as candidosis, oidiomycosis, and moniliasis, is a skin or mucosal membrane infection caused by Candida. The infecting yeast is present in all humans and they are limited in number by some microorganisms and human immune system. Bodily changes in the human always encourage the yeast to grow large in number and they become stronger than the good bacteria. Learning the causes of Yeast Infection can help an individual to become educated with the symptoms and treatments. Here, causes of the Yeast Infection are clearly given with all necessary information and alerts that need to be taken care.

The main cause of Yeast Infection in woman is Candida Albicans, yeast that are commonly present in the vaginal area. Other main cause for the Yeast Infection is the rapid development of bacteria, and this growth is technically called as candidasis. The decreased immune system encourages the growth of bacteria and this due to the increased stress and lack of sleep. Change in the hormonal balance during the menstruation cycle also lead to the yeast infection in women. During pregnancy, most women experience yeast infection, and also birth control can possibly lead to this infection.

The yeast infection is also distributed to partners by means of semen or any other fluids through sex. Another major cause for yeast infection in most women is the heavy and prolonged usage of any kind of antibiotics. Person with high glucose level and diabetic patient are more prone to the yeast infection, and the infection is due to the uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. It is also found that the antibiotics has the property of suppressing the good bacteria and increases the growth of yeast.

Various other health or habitual condition that can lead to yeast infection are hot and humid weather, wearing tight fitting clothes such as pantyhose and tight fitting jeans, and changes in diet plan. Consuming junk foods such as chips, poor eating habits, improperly cleaning the vaginal area, very high sweating, and raise in Ph level also sometimes can cause yeast infection. Other possible causes for yeast infections are menopause, use of steroids such as Prednisone, bad hygienic system, use of perfumed sprays, injuries, and allergies. Sometimes, treatment for cancer and HIV also causes yeast infection, and they even enter the human blood and causes serious troubles to health. Douching and cleaning the vaginal area from back to front also encourages the growth of yeast in the vaginal part. For a safe, homeopathic remedy that eases multiple symptoms of yeast infection in both Men and Women click here!

Diflucan – Looking for an effective yeast infection treatment? Nip it in the bud with Diflucan.


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