Chicago: Preventive Measures For Genital Herpes

October 29, 2009 by admin 

Sexual intercourse is not necessary for transmission of genital herpes. Sexual contact is the primary way that Genital Herpes simplex virus spreads. As the herpes virus cannot survive for long time outside your body, you cannot acquire this virus from any object used by an infected person. Sexual contact is the primary way that genital HSV spreads. It’s almost impossible to get the infection through contact with toilets, towels or other objects used by an infected person, because the virus dies quickly outside the body.

Sexual intercourse is a common cause of urinary tract infections. During intercourse bacteria in the vaginal area is sometimes forced into the urethra by the penis. Sexual lubricant is helpful right at the start of sexual activity.

How To Prevent STD Infection

Condoms restrict contact between the male genital organ  and the mucosal surfaces of the vagina, mouth or anus, where sub clinical shedding is known to occur.  Condoms may not cover all sites of viral shedding, and they don’t provide a 100% guarantee against herpes transmission. Condoms should be used for any type of sex with every partner. For vaginal sex, use a latex male condom or a female polyurethane condom. Condoms that cover the infected area can help reduce the risk of transmission. However, condoms may not cover all of the affected area.

Condoms will stop transmission across the area covered, but of course they only cover the penis, so if sores are elsewhere transmission can still occur. Condoms can reduce your risk of getting Genital Herpes if used the right way every single time you have sex. But a condom protects only the area of the body that it covers.


Health care providers can diagnose Genital Herpes by visual inspection if the outbreak is typical, and by taking a sample from the sore(s) and testing it in a laboratory. HSV infections can be diagnosed between outbreaks by the use of a blood test. Health care providers can diagnose Genital Herpes by visual inspection of an outbreak; taking a sample from the sore(s). HSV infections can be difficult to diagnose between outbreaks, so laboratory testing is recommended.

Patients may also need ongoing help with the physical aspects of herpes outbreaks and information about preventing transmission. Patients with this infection should have a diet loaded with fruits and vegetables.


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