STD Detection and HIV Treatment

June 26, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

What is the link between STDs and HIV infection?

Individuals who are infected with STDs are at least two to five times more likely than uninfected individuals to acquire HIV infection if they are exposed to the virus through sexual contact. In addition, if an HIV-infected individual is also infected with another STD, that person is more likely to transmit HIV through sexual contact than other HIV-infected persons (Wasserheit, 1992).

There is substantial biological evidence demonstrating that the presence of other STDs increases the likelihood of both transmitting and acquiring HIV.

Increased susceptibility. STDs appear to increase susceptibility to HIV infection by two mechanisms. Genital ulcers (e.g., syphilis, herpes, or chancroid) result in breaks in the genital tract lining or skin. These breaks create a portal of entry for HIV. Additionally, inflammation resulting from genital ulcers or non-ulcerative STDs (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis) increase the concentration of cells in genital secretions that can serve as targets for HIV (e.g., CD4+ cells).

Increased infectiousness. STDs also appear to increase the risk of an HIV-infected person transmitting the virus to his or her sex partners.  Studies have shown that HIV-infected individuals who are also infected with other STDs are particularly likely to shed HIV in their genital secretions. For example, men who are infected with both gonorrhea and HIV are more than twice as likely to have HIV in their genital secretions than are those who are infected only with HIV. Moreover, the median concentration of HIV in semen is as much as 10 times higher in men who are infected with both gonorrhea and HIV than in men infected only with HIV.  The higher the concentration of HIV in semen or genital fluids, the more likely it is that HIV will be transmitted to a sex partner.

How can STD treatment slow the spread of HIV infection?

Evidence from intervention studies indicates that detecting and treating STDs may reduce HIV transmission.

STD treatment reduces an individual’s ability to transmit HIV. Studies have shown that treating STDs in HIV-infected individuals decreases both the amount of HIV in genital secretions and how frequently HIV is found in those secretions (Fleming, Wasserheit, 1999).

Herpes can make people more susceptible to HIV infection, and it can make HIV-infected individuals more infectious.  It is critical that all individuals, especially those with herpes, know whether they are infected with HIV and, if uninfected with HIV, take measures to protect themselves from infection with HIV.

Among individuals with both herpes and HIV, trials are underway studying if treatment of the Genital Herpes helps prevent HIV transmission to partners.

What are the implicationsfor HIV prevention?

Strong STD prevention, testing, and treatment can play a vital role in comprehensive programs to prevent sexual transmission of HIV. Furthermore, STD trends can offer important insights into where the HIV epidemic may grow, making STD surveillance data helpful in forecasting where HIV rates are likely to increase. Better linkages are needed between HIV and STD prevention efforts nationwide in order to control both epidemics.

In the context of persistently high prevalence of STDs in many parts of the United States and with emerging evidence that the U.S. HIV epidemic increasingly is affecting populations with the highest rates of curable STDs, the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS and STD Prevention (CHAC) recommended the following:

Early detection and treatment of curable STDs should become a major, explicit component of comprehensive HIV prevention programs at national, state, and local levels;

In areas where STDs that facilitate HIV transmission are prevalent, screening and treatment programs should be expanded;

HIV testing should always be recommended for individuals who are diagnosed with or suspected to have an STD.

HIV and STD prevention programs in the United States, together with private and public sector partners, should take joint responsibility for implementing these strategies.

CHAC also notes that early detection and treatment of STDs should be only one component of a comprehensive HIV prevention program, which also must include a range of social, behavioral, and biomedical interventions.

What is an STD and how can you protect yourself?

May 22, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!
An STD (sexually transmitted disease) is a disease caused by a pathogen (e.g. virus, bacterium, parasite, fungus) that is transferred from person to person largely through sexual contact. Many STDs can be painful, aggravating, crippling, and life threatening.
Occurring most commonly in sexually active teenagers and young adults, especially those with numerous sexual partners, STDs affect an estimated 200 to 400 million people worldwide – men and women of all economic classes. In the United States more than 13 million people are infected each year and more than 65 million have an incurable STD.
Most STDs cause relatively harmless disease, with no or few symptoms. Nevertheless, there are some STDs that produce persistent asymptomatic (neither causing nor showing symptoms of disease) or minimally symptomatic disease. Some people can carry the disease for days or weeks, while other people will carry for longer periods, even life. An infected person, or a carrier can spread the disease through sexual contact during this time.
In persistant infection, the pathogen escapes detection by the immune system and stays fairly inactive (called latency), causing no apparent disease. However, certain triggers like stress, immune suppression or injury can reactivate latent pathogens. In some cases, reactivated disease will not exhibit symptoms ( chlamydia). In others the symptoms are overt (genital herpes) or severe and even fatal (HIV / AIDS).
STD infection can cause complications that include:
Pelvic inflammatory disease (women)
Inflammation of the cervix (women)
Inflammation of the urethra (men)
Inflammation of the prostate (men)
Fertility and reproductive system problems (men and women)
Infants that are infected while in the womb or during birth can possibly be stillborn, blind or have permanent neurological damage.
While viral STDs, such as Genital Herpes and HIV, can’t be cured their symptoms can be regulated with medication. Bacterial STDs, like gonorrhea and chlamydia, can be cured with antibiotics. Respectively, fungal and parasitic diseases can be cured with antifungal and antihelminthic agents. Getting an early diagnosis and treatment will increase your chances for a cure.
Monogamy with an uninfected partner is the only surefire way to avoid infection with an STD yourself. It is important for you and your partner to talk about eachother’s sexual and STD history before having sex. Prevention is possible through understanding STDs and how they spread.The use of condoms will greatly reduce your risk for transmission.
Some of the behaviors and conditions that can increase your risk for STDs are:
Engaging in sex when either partner has unhealed lesions (Genital Herpes sores, Genital Warts)
Enema or rectal douching before rectal intercourse
Rectal or vaginal irritation or infection
Sexual activity that may damage the mucosal lining of the vagina or rectum
Tampon use (tampons can cause vaginal dryness and cellular abnormalities)
Vaginal dryness (use a water-based lubricant)
If you suspect you have an STD, go see your doctor immediately.
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With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!


May 17, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

Fact No. 1:

A sexually-transmitted disease (STD), also known as a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) is any infection or disease that is passed on from one person to another during sexual intercourse or other types of sexual activity, such as oral sex.

Some STDs, such as HIV/AIDS, can also be transmitted via the shared use of infected needles by drug users.

Fact No. 2:

Someone who is infected with an STD, but is showing no signs or symptoms can still infect their partners, if they engage in sexual activity, or, in the case of HIV/AIDS, share needles. People do not always know that they have a sexually-transmitted infection because they don’t have any symptoms of the disease. Symptoms of an STD such as herpes, for example, include blisters and sores. But even when they aren’t present, the disease may still be active. While the symptoms are not there, the infection lives on. The herpes virus can be transmitted up to days before the symptoms arrive. Living with herpes can be easy if you regularly see your doctor and follow a medical course.

Fact No. 3:

The only way to stay safe from infection and disease is to stop engaging in sexual activity with an infected partner or to use latex condoms. There are male and female condoms available on the market. The contraceptive pill, as the name suggests, prevents conception, but will never prevent an STD from being transmitted. If have been prescribed medication for an STD, you should always complete the course and see your doctor just in case further treatment is required.

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

Top 3 Ways to Avoid An STD (Stock Trading Disaster)

May 17, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

Impending disaster looms on the horizon for beginning traders who do not adhere to proper risk management methods. It is easy for a rookie trader to get distracted by riches waiting to be had in the stock market. Anyone who has been trading stocks for a while knows and understands the importance of risk management. I would like to share my top 3 ways of preventing an STD (stock trading disaster).

Early in my career, I figured that not all the rules of becoming a successful trader were applicable to me. I was somehow the exception to the rule. In fact, I was so exceptional at losing money that I was on the fast track to bankruptcy. A few gargantuan losses quickly sobered me up.

In short, I was a young punk who knew everything about nothing. I often times had to learn things the hard. Learning to trade in the stock market was no exception. So, here are my top three ways to prevent an STD.

#3 Way To Prevent An STD

Do your research. If you have had a few profitable trades early on, you probably have taken research for granted. Trust me, I sure did. Giving research its due diligence is absolutely imperative in sidestepping a stock trading disaster. Remember it is much easier to get yourself into any situation than to bail yourself out of a bad one.

#2 Method Of Avoiding an STD

Make decisions based on facts not emotions! Hope and wishful thinking are two qualities that gamblers possess. Ever read about any successful stock market gamblers? Just face it; you will make mistakes along the way. It is a part of the learning process. As a trader, you must be willing to make corrections quickly. Making too many errors, too fast will certainly result in you being forced into retirement due to lack of capital if you do not adhere to the method #1.

#1 Way To Avoid an STD

Nothing protects you from an STD like a stop loss. After placing your order, ALWAYS set a protective stop. Trusting yourself with the duty of managing risk without one is a clear indication that you are destined for failure. Although far from being perfect, it is the only insurance policy a trader has against massive losses. By not setting a protective stop loss, you are just teaching us all a lesson in philanthropy because you are just giving your money away!

Using a protective stop loss is by far the most effective technique for limiting losses. Fortunately, it is also the simplest of the three to apply. Methods 1 and 2 are developed over time. Avoid getting burned with my top three risk management methods.

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

This Article is for those of You Looking for Genital Warts STD Information

May 15, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Our unique combination of time-tested homeopathic ingredients in Herpeset is designed to reduce the severity of an outbreak and help your body heal itself. So what are you waiting for. Stop Painful Herpes Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

For those of you looking for Genital Warts STD information, you have no further to look than here. Well, maybe a little further for more detailed information, but you should generally find what you need to be superficially knowledgeable about Genital Warts STD facts, here.

To begin with it should perhaps be mentioned that STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease. It therefore follows that Genital Warts is a sexually transmitted disease. It should also perhaps be noted that genital warts can be referred to as HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), Condylomata Acuminate, Condyloma, Venereal warts, and in some instances penile warts.

Genital warts STD infections are normally highly contagious, and the can be passed on through many different ways, but the chief method is through sexual contact. This includes vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. In the case of genital warts STD, an exchange of bodily fluids is not the method of transference, instead it is through skin to skin contact.

This is why sometimes simple precautions such as using a condom won’t be as helpful in preventing someone from contracting genital warts STD infections from infected partners.

The warts themselves might sometimes be found on the inner thighs, the outer lips of the vagina, or some other portion of the genital area.

The most likely method of detection of genital warts is a visual examination which will be conducted by a physician. If this yields no results the physician may then try one of several other testing methods for genital warts STD infections. These include daubing the area with acetic acid, a colposcopy, or a cervical smear test.

Causes for contracting genital warts STD infections include, having sex with multiple partners, having unprotected sex, starting sexual relations at an early age, having a history of HPV infections, or if you have a history of other STD’s.

Other causes to get genital warts STD infections include if you are pregnant, if you come into contact with the skin of an infected area, the over-usage of drugs such as antibiotics or steroids, a poor immune system, poor nutrition, and in some cases stress.

Treatment methods for genital warts STD infections include, but are not limited to prescription medications such as Imiqiumod, Fluorouracil, and Trichloracetic acid, as well as surgical excision methods. These include laser therapy, cryotherapy, and electrosurgery.

There is also available now for genital warts STD infections, a vaccine called Gardasil. This is recommended be administered to young girls ideally before the onset of sexual relations, and between the ages of 9 and 26, in a number of three dosages.

Since genital warts STD is highly infectious, if your partner suffers from this infection you will also need to get tested for the infection. This is necessary for a number of reasons chief of which is the fact that some strains of the genital warts STD virus, if left untreated can lead to more serious conditions such as cancer.

With Pacific Naturals’s Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, you’ll be able get relief from the horrible and painful symptoms.Stop Painful Genital Warts Outbreaks Easier and Safer than ever before!

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