A Warning to Liposuction Patients – Liposuction Gone Bad

March 31, 2011 by moi 

Because liposuction receives a lot of attention from the public it is really not surprising that it is the most commonly performed procedure in plastic surgery.

Recently, with the advent of new technology, liposuction has expanded past the realm of just plastic surgery and into other medical specialties. In some instances, general practitioners with no surgical training are now performing liposuction in their offices under local anesthesia and promoting it as “safe,” “non-invasive” liposuction or even “non-surgical” liposuction and some understate the recovery time ( and even call it lunch time liposuction) necessary to obtain a good result.

It is essential for the consumer to always remember that liposuction is surgery and it is invasive particularly when some form of additional energy is introduced as with laser liposuction (Smart lipo, Slim lipo) and ultrasonic liposuction (Vaser, Lysonics).

Laser or Ultrasonic Liposuction Marketing & Concerns

The addition of energy disrupts the fatty tissue more aggressively so it can be extracted more efficiently. However, the potential problem is that it can also cause too much disruption and therefore deformity, especially when done by practitioner who is untrained or under-qualified.

Perhaps as the result of clever marketing, these highly promoted forms of liposuction have have seen popularity growth, but the number of reports of unfavorable results have also grown.  These results are difficult and sometimes impossible to correct.

Compounding the problem, patients who have experienced unfavorable results are often ashamed or embarrassed to come forward with their problems, which could help warn others in hopes of preventing similar negative outcomes.

The fact is, while many might assume that liposuction is a relatively simple procedure, liposuction done well is not.  It requires intense study, training and experience on the part of the medical professional.

Liposuction Done Well

Liposuction done well requires

  • knowledge to determine what makes an attractive human contour;
  • the ability and knowledge to decide when someone is a good candidate or not;
  • be able to evaluate whether a patient’s skin will allow for a good outcome; and
  • a sense of what is too much energy, too much suction and too much compression during recovery to prevent permanent damage.

The best results are usually obtained during the first surgery and not when trying to correct damage.

How to Correct Liposuction Gone Bad

Last year at the meeting for the ASAPS (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) in Las Vegas a lot of emphasis was placed on how to correct deformities after a liposuction procedure. Talented plastic surgery experts presented difficult cases that were corrected with the use of fat grafting, a type of correction that becomes even more challenging if all or most of the patient’s fat stores have already been removed in a defective procedure.

Ensuring Good Results Through Liposuction

To help protect against getting poor liposuction results, it is important to do your homework. Here are a few tips:

  • Thoroughly research the competency of plastic surgeon or practioner before deciding to allow him or her to handle your liposuction procedure.
  • Visit more than one expert.
  • Ask your friends and other people who have used the physician to find out if they are pleased with their results.
  • Request before and after photos to determine if they clearly show improvement.
  • Ask the physician if he or she knows how to correct bad liposuction results.

If you have experienced a poor outcome of liposuction or a result that has left you less than satisfied, I invite you to visit me for a FREE evaluation of your plastic surgery need.

As an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City with extensive cosmetic surgery experience, including fat grafting for aesthetic enhancement of the face and body, I would welcome the opportunity to help address any issues resulting from improper or poorly executed liposuction procedures.

For more information on liposuction in Oklahoma City and liposuction used in conjunction with other procedures, such as tummy tucks, body lifts and facelifts, visit my website at www.plasticsurgeon-oklahoma.com


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