Causes of Hypothyroidism

May 3, 2010 by moi 

At the front end of your neck, near the larynx or voice box lies a little butterfly shaped gland that’s of vital importance to humans and animals.  It’s called the thyroid gland and it’s important for our body’s metabolism.


Generally, when there is harm done towards the thyroid, it is caused by inflammation.  An autoimmune problem, often called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is responsible for attacking the thyroid gland.  Ladies can acquire postpartum thyroiditis after being pregnant.

 Other causes of hypothyroidism include:

•    Radiation therapy for numerous forms of cancer requiring remedies in the neck area

•    Congenital or birth defects

•    Radioactive iodine remedies used to treat the overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)

•    Viral thyroiditis ( might cause hyperthyroidism which follows permanent or temporary hypothyroidism)

•    Removal (surgically) of the thyroid gland

•    Certain drugs such as lithium, amiodarone, methimazole, and propylthiouracil (PTU)

•    Radiation towards the brain

Another condition which may destroy the pituitary gland and then the thyroid is called Sheehan syndrome.  It’s a problem which takes place when ladies bleed seriously throughout childbirth or pregnancy.

At higher than average risk are ladies, especially those past the age if fifty.  Hypothyroidism is far more common in women than in men.

Signs or Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Some from the early symptoms consist of:

•    Constipation

•    High sensitivity to cold temperatures

•     Fatigue or an overall feeling of tiredness, slowing down

•    Heavier than usual menstrual bleeding and cramps

•    Muscle or joint pain

•    Dry skin, paleness

•    Brittle, thin fingernails or hair

•     Weight gain

•    Weakness

Some from the later symptoms if not treated early include:  hoarseness from the voice, loss of sense of smell and taste, thickening skin, slow speech, puffiness about the face and hands, and thinning eyebrows ( particularly the outer one third from the eyebrow).

There are tests that can be conducted on examination to figure out if the patient’s problem is really hypothyroidism.  An initial examination ought to appear for brittle nails, pale dry skin, thin brittle hair, coarse facial functions, and swelling of legs and arms.  If a chest x-ray is given it may reveal an enlarged heart.

You will find lab check which can determine if the thyroid gland is functioning usually or has issues.  The Serum TSH check and a T4 test will discover if the gland is producing two really vital hormones as it ought to.  These are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones assist oxygen get into our body cells.  These cells are the only ones capable of absorbing iodine which is vital to the human entire body.  Testing to discover out whether or not an infant or child might have hypothyroidism problems  is performed through tests to detect it known as a PKU (phenylketonuria) or blood test.

Laboratory tests can also reveal increased cholesterol levels, anemia (low red blood cell count), low sodium, too as elevated prolactin and liver enzymes.

Remedies or Remedies

Hypothyroidism is very treatable once diagnosed.  A medication called Levothyroxine is the most generally utilized and efficient remedy.  It will relieve symptoms and bring the TSH levels back to normal range.  The therapy will most likely require to become a lifelong commitment.  A doctor can test and figure out if any dosage adjustments may be needed but do not merely stop taking them even when your symptoms seem to fade away.


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