Do It Yourself Bacterial Vaginosis Home Therapy

March 22, 2011 by moi 

Bacterial vaginosis can plague a girl’s life.  The conspicuous fishy smell, the itch, and the burn are all very uncomfortable signs that can ruin a woman’s daily activities, either at work or at home.  If you suspect that going to a doctor is too expensive or if you’re uncomfortable inserting garlic into your vagina, you can try this bacterial vaginosis home cure that we will suggest.  Do not forget to get a proper diagnosis first before you attempt this remedy, as BV can mimic STD’s and such.  Have a talk with your doctor before trying this home cure.  

Things you will need :

* A bottle of 3 p.c. Hydrogen Peroxide

* Douche applicator or syringe

* Acidophilus dietary supplement with 1 bln CFU’s

* At least four hundred mcg of Folic acid nutritional supplement

* Distilled / refined spring water

Procedure :

1.  Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with distilled or spring water separated into equal quantities.  Make sure you add equal amounts of 3% hydrogen peroxide to each part of water.  

2.  Place the mix in a clean syringe or douche bottle and inject into vagina towards the cervix.  

3.  Insert one acidophilus pill into the vagina nightly and do not forget to use caplets, not capsules for capsules are for oral digestion.  

4.  Consume one billion CFU’s of acidophilus supplement twice per day orally and 400 mcg of folic acid twice per day.  

This could be discussed with your physician before attempt.  Continue this routine for a minimum of a week.  Never stop although the symptoms have subsided for a week.  If you are doubtful about this method, there are far more bacterial vaginosis home cure available such as garlic, tea tree oil and chamomile treatment.  

You can get a rather more efficient guide available thru the Net which may give you excellent routines and practices for a bacterial vaginosis home remedy safely, effectively and fast, mostly less than five days without caring about side effects and worsened contagions and irritations.  

Looking for cures for bacterial vaginosis? Visit this site today Vaginosis Cure


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