Pregnancy Smoking Cessation – Expectant women can Safely Give up smoking with NLP

February 21, 2011 by moi 

Are you expecting a baby and also still smoking? Want to quit smoking while pregnant? Right now is the most crucial occasion for stopping smoking. Smoking poses a number of risks to your unborn child. Chief among these are low birth weight and also premature delivery. Women that are pregnant can safely and easily quit smoking given they will use the correct technique. The most secure and most effective way for expecting mothers to quit cigarette smoking is making use of NLP.

What exactly is NLP? It stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a form of hypnotherapy which has been used for years to easily and gently assist smokers break their smoking behavior. It is the best method for women to quit smoking while pregnant. Here’s why:

NLP is safe and all natural-Expectant moms ought to be extra careful of what they are putting in their bodies. You should stay clear of stopping smoking techniques like the patch or drugs that rely on chemical substances to help those that smoke quit. Due to the fact NLP is a kind of hypnotherapy it is natural and organic without any chemicals or unwanted side effects.

NLP is highly effective-NLP works by targeting and removing the urges to smoke cigarettes. NLP based hypnotherapy is incredibly effective and has an excellent success rate due to how efficiently it gets rid of the cravings to smoke. In a recently conducted test more than 90% of smokers who used NLP to stop cigarette smoking were successful and continued to be smoke-free six months afterwards.

NLP works fast-Time is important for pregnant ladies. Ongoing contact with the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke leads to premature birth or reduced birth rate; thus pregnant women need to give up smoking quickly. In contrast to many smoking cessation techniques that take months or a number of attempts to function, NLP works fast. Numerous smokers successfully quit after just one treatment of NLP.

NLP is easy to use – You don’t have to go to a professional to stop smoking cigarettes utilizing NLP methods. There are now NLP audio mp3s which you can listen to inside the comfort of your own home to get rid of the urges to smoke. What could be easier than putting on a set of headphones to have the cravings to smoke cigarettes removed? You will find none of the hidden expenses you’ll find with other stop smoking programs.

The best and safest stopping smoking expecting mothers can use is Neuro linguistic programming. Smoking and pregnancy just don’t go with each other. Do not try to give up smoking with methods which could result in more damage than good. NLP is just the safest and best approach for pregnant ladies to quit smoking.

Your pregnancy could be the ideal time for quitting smoking. Smoking and pregnancy is a recipe for devastation for your unborn infant. Pregnant Women can be two times as fortunate should they use their pregnancy as a springboard to a smoke-free lifestyle.

What a blessing this pregnancy may be for you. Not only will you have a beautiful baby you can also make the choice to end cigarette smoking for the sake of your child and yourself. You can safely protect your unborn baby from the damage cigarette smoking could cause them using NLP.


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