Ways In Which Yeast Infection May Strike

May 12, 2011 by moi 

It’s a common misconception that Yeast Infection affects only women. However, Yeast Infection may happen to anyone. There are several kinds of Yeast Infections. People sometimes contract Yeast Infection, but remain ignorant of this fact because they don’t have complete knowledge of the disease. This is sad especially because there are so many ways to cure this problem.

Here are the various kinds of Yeast Infection.

This is the most common type. Vaginitis occurs in women; their vagina gets infected and inflamed. This can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. So, pregnant women and women with diabetes or weakened immune systems are more vulnerable to this ailment.  

Yeast Infection In Men
Though this is a rare condition, it is known to happen and can cause severe irritation and itchiness. This ailment causes inflammation of genital skin and pain when passing urine. 

Diaper Yeast Infection
Babies too are affected by yeast infection. When caretakers neglect to change wet diapers in time, fungus tends to accumulate under the diaper and spreads to infect. Even if the children cry, the reason for their distress is often not detected until it’s too late. 

Oral Thrush
This can affect anyone; but babies especially are prone to get this ailment. The main symptom of thrush is a thick white sediment deposit in the mouth. Thrush shouldn’t be left untreated because it can develop into a hard layer that can’t be removed easily; the ailment makes swallowing a painful task. Sometimes, the infection spreads from the mouth of babies to breastfeeding mothers making it very difficult for mothers to feed. 

Systemic Candidal Disease
The situation’s serious if the fungus mixes with blood and affects the liver and urinary tract; this is called systemic infection. This causes fatigue, migraines and general dizziness. It could even cause danger to your life if not treated on time. 

Skin Candidiasis
Yeast thrives on damp areas of the skin like the underarms, folds, under the breasts, fingers and groin. Since overweight people have more folds in their skin, they are more likely to be affected. It’s however, easy to cure this problem using ointments and creams. 

If you have symptoms of a yeast infection, you definitely should you apply a good yeast infection treatment. If you are looking for one, check out this yeast infection no more review.


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