Secularism and the Abolition of the Future

November 1, 2009 by admin 

The future has been abolished! Does that statement seem outlandish? Let me explain.
Secularism, whether it’s called Secular Humanism or atheism, is the belief that there is no God and no accountability to God in the afterlife. To the secularist death results in the ending of consciousness.
Secularists believe that humans evolved from pond scum and end up rotting in the grave. Hence there is no future for the individual human being.
Secularists also claim that there is no future for humanity as a whole since all life will cease at the time of the heat death of the universe. All that you have learned and experienced through relationships, work, play, education, love, pain and pleasure evaporates at death. This is the secular abolition of the future.
This view is not isolated to avant garde ivory tower types but permeates our society. The abolition of the future has resulted in the philosophical pessimism and purposelessness of our youth and it drives the drug culture.
Why do I dwell on secularism? Secularism is the de facto state religion of the United States and virtually all of the Western World. (I include nominal Christians under the term “secularist” because nominal Christians generally live a secularist lifestyle.)
Christianity has been kicked out of the state run schools in the US by misapplication of the constitutionally dubious doctrine of separation of church and state. Education is by far the largest public forum and if Christianity is kicked out of public education then it is in essence marginalized.
Christians are forced to pay taxes to support schools that indoctrinate children in the secular origins myth called evolution. Every subject in the state run schools is taught from a perspective of philosophical atheism.
My niece was assigned the book “The Da Vinci Code” as a reading assignment by her school! “The Da Vinci Code” is a blasphemous book that gives a scandalously distorted view of church history and denies the deity of Christ. I could give other examples of public school assignments that actively undermine the Christian faith.
The secularist cult has taken over public education. Secular education is not neutral as often claimed but is aggressively evil. Secularism denies the existence of God as transcendent lawgiver.
If there is no transcendent lawgiver there is no law above man’s law hence all things are permissible. World famous secular philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) said “If there is no God, there is no right or wrong or absolute morality only opinions as to right and wrong.”
Secularism is the negation of law, morals, ethics and values. Secularism is amoral and purposeless. It is anarchy.
The postmodern concept of the self has replaced God as lawgiver. Self with its relativistic and shifting opinions of right and wrong is the only lawgiver. Society is the collision of selves with no guiding philosophy or religion to unite the whole.
Young people who’ve been robbed of their Christian faith and hence robbed of their hope for a future beyond death live only for this life and its passing pleasures. There are currently 39 sexually transmitted diseases extant in the United States but this fact gets little publicity.
Many of these, like herpes, are incurable viruses. The HPV virus causes cervical cancer — it is sexually transmitted cancer.
We all know of the devastating death toll of AIDS. Out of wedlock births and paternal child abandonment are rampant. Legalized abortion has resulted in the mass murder of millions of the preborn.
Secularists believe in assisted suicide for the terminally ill. Christians believe that all human life is sacred and even the very elderly have futures that stretch to eternity. All human life has a future and has meaning in relation to God.
Secularism is a religion. It takes great faith to believe that life came about by chance as the secularists claim. Secular Humanism is recognized as a religion by the US government.
Secularism is a religion without a moral code. Radical secularism has all the coerciveness of any fundamentalist faith but without any inherent moral restraint.
There is only one true religion. The laws of logic, specifically the law of noncontradiction, determine that there can only be one true religion. This is because all of the world’s religions contradict each other and no two contradictory statements can both be true.
If Hinduism is true then Christianity is false and vice versa. God has given authentication to the one true religion by miracles. The one true religion is the one religion authenticated by the best miracles and most miraculous events.
To be blunt, the religion with the best miracles wins. Christianity is the one true religion because Jesus Christ came in fulfillment of over 300 predictive prophecies and worked miracles never done by anyone else since the foundation of the earth!
No other religion or philosophy has anything to compare with the supernatural authentication of the Christian faith. Christianity gives us hope and a future. Secularism has implicitly taught young people that they descended from apes and that consciousness ends at death. The only way to counter the secularist lie is to teach the truths of the Bible and show how the Bible is authenticated by prophecies and miracles.


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