HPV (genital warts)?

April 29, 2009 by admin 

how common is this????…. say I go to a club and there is 30 women…how many on average would have a incurable std???


One Response to “HPV (genital warts)?”

  1. KATHY A W on April 29th, 2009 11:29 pm

    this is very common!!! this virus has been the cause of cervical cancer for women,there is a growing number of HPV EVERY DAY ,so you want to know how many women out of 30 would have an STD,could be all off them dont take any chances ,most women dont even know that they are infected,some STDS,dont even have any symptoms ,so they are unaware of it,you could even be a carrier of an STD and not even know,if you dont believe me , do some research,good luck trying to pick 1-30 your odds arent to promising,for real good luck in life!!!!

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