Will Having HPV Hurt My Chances of Getting Good Medical Insurance?

May 5, 2009 by admin 

I was sexually assaulted 10 months ago and as a result I have low-risk HPV (Genital Warts.) This strain does not cause cancer or any cervical changes, only ugly warts.

I had treatment to remove the warts. Now it is on my record that I have HPV.

Will this hurt my chances at getting a good policy in the future? Will they insinuate that if I have an STD, I must be “loose” and lead a risky lifestyle that includes smoking, drinking, and other unhealthy behaviors? It is not my fault for getting the STD because I was sexually assualted.

I have an anxiety disorder so I worry constantly. Please tell me if I am worrying for nothing or if my worries are warranted.


One Response to “Will Having HPV Hurt My Chances of Getting Good Medical Insurance?”

  1. Marie on May 5th, 2009 7:30 am

    Stop worrying.

    There are a ton of different types of HPV and a pretty good chunk of the population has been infected by at least one of them. As you said, the types that cause warts are not the same strains that are associated with cervical cancer, so there is no reason for any insurance company to consider you high-risk.

    May I make so bold as to make one suggestion and one comment? The suggestion: consider the Gardasil vaccine if you have not already. Just having had one strain of HPV doesn’t mean that the vaccine can’t protect you from the others. And the comment–I am so sorry about what happened to you, and I hope you are doing well and getting help if you need it.

    Best wishes,

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